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Disguised spam


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I am receiving spam offering enhancing drugs! I have submitted three to SpamCop but these have been returned as "No spam e-mail found". This can only be because the sender(s) have disguised the names by using "Vagra" and Calis". Presumably SpamCop scans for the correct names only.

Surely the scanning program should include variants such as this as this usage must be widespread.

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I am receiving spam offering enhancing drugs! I have submitted three to SpamCop but these have been returned as "No spam e-mail found". This can only be because the sender(s) have disguised the names by using "Vagra" and Calis". Presumably SpamCop scans for the correct names only.

Surely the scanning program should include variants such as this as this usage must be widespread.

Hi Ken.

SpamCop doesn't care about the content - if you say it is spam it is processed. Trouble is, your submission is failing somehow so SC doesn't get the email headers it needs to analyze the path the message took in getting to you. How are you submitting? Exactly (don't reveal your "submit" address or confidential codes).

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The Forwarding has to be 'forwarding by attachment' - there is a section in the FAQ, that explains exactly how to find and use 'forward as attachment' for different email programs.

The headers - which explain the technical path the email took to get to you - are what spamcop scans to find the source - the IP address of the computer that sent it to you.

The definition of spam for spamcop is that the email is unsolicited (you did not ask anyone to send it to you) and bulk - it is being sent to many other people. You can state that it is unsolicited. You can guess that it was sent to other people besides yourself. Spamcop makes the report to the source IP address abuse desk who can determine that it was bulk email and stop the spammer from sending email.

Unfortunately, spammers are able to evade being shut down for sending unsolicited bulk email. Therefore, if spam is reported from a particular IP address, it goes on a blocklist which is used to filter incoming email. You have to use the spamcop blocklist to get any direct benefit from reporting spam.

Miss Betsy

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