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IP blocker


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i dont think this goes here, but i dont know where to put it

i am an admin on a site that has MANY spammers/assholes/hackers and i need an IP blocker for the site. can someone please help me find one? thank you for your time

I will move this to the Lounge forum which is a catch-all for all "other" spam related questions with this post.

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i need an IP blocker for the site. can someone please help me find one? thank you for your time

...You didn't say where you want to put the blocking (OS, firewall, e-mail, etc) but :google: is your friend! See http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=%...s=Search+Groups (143 hits as of this writing). http://www.google.com/search?q=%22block%20...sa=N&tab=gw claims "about 180,000" hits.
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Lots of different ways you could do this, depending on exactly what you are trying to do. My site for instance has a file that is used as a bot trap. It is listed in the robots.txt file as excluded, and has its url listed in comment tags on several pages, so the only thing that visits it are bots that are using the robots.txt file to find files they should read, and reads them, and bots that blindly follow every link without checking the robots.txt file.

A hit on the bottrap file automatically adds the IP address to a database table. Then in the shared header on each page, the visitors IP address is checked against the table, and if it is listed, I just send out a HTTP 403 Access Forbidden error.

This has worked very well for me, since most spammers use bots to search the web for abusable web forms and comment forms that they can spam. By strategically placing the link to the bot trap page at the beginning and end of each of my pages, it will usually be the first link they will follow, meaning they will never find the comment forms.

Its also very easy to manually add a single IP or range of IPs to the database table if you need to IP ban particular users or ISPs.

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If you'd said "I admin a server" .. the next question wuld have been as to what OS, tools, apps are used/available. However, you said "admin on a site" .. which doesn't go far enough to explain much.

What Operating System is in use?

What access do you have at server level?

Some applications have built-in tools, some will accept some additional help by adding in other tools ...

Some tools are available to toss onto a 'site server' but that server has to be configured to use the tools, and then usually needs to be configured to allow "user's" to put them to use ... use of an .htaccess file for instance

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