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My new antispyware tool --- too good !

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Hallo people, i experienced in the past a lot of problems in my pc due to spyware and adware problems,but finally i found one antispyware/adware 100% fool proof ! i couldn't believe in my eyes because generally, antispyware sites state that their software it's free but actually it's free just the download and the scanning, but you have to pay to remove spyware, but not in this one! I could remove all my malware for free!! The name is SpywareBomb and the site it's here spyware-sweeper.com , i think it worths a try and anyway you don't pay much for it! :-)

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No idea where the previous 'search' was done to find antivirus and malware tools. I use several "free" tools myself with no issue, but I also know that there is no "100% effective" tool out there.

On the other hand, 'spysweeper' sure brings to mind pop-up type ads that others have seen, clicked on, and then ended up beinging their systems to me for repair.

Anyway, seems like a bit of a silly post done without prior reseach, so hard to beat down the scent of some sort of spamming going on here. Finding one's way to the SpamCop.net Support Forum, Registering, Validating, and then making one's first post as an advertisement for something that "doesn't cost much" after complaining about other "paid" tools just seems strange. For instance, within this very Forum section, there does exist the Suggested Free Security Tools and Apps for Windows with tools that are listed and recommended all around the world .... and most, if not all, are exactly "free" (though donations/registrations are suggested in hopes of keeping them going)

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Hallo people, i experienced in the past a lot of problems in my pc due to spyware and adware problems,but finally i found one antispyware/adware 100% fool proof ! i couldn't believe in my eyes because generally, antispyware sites state that their software it's free but actually it's free just the download and the scanning, but you have to pay to remove spyware, but not in this one! I could remove all my malware for free!! The name is SpywareBomb and the site it's here spyware-sweeper.com , i think it worths a try and anyway you don't pay much for it! :-)


Behavior SpywareBomb is a misleading application that may give exaggerated reports about potential risks on the computer.

From a Google search:

Spyware bomb brings you an award-winning spyware/adware removal tool. The only Spyware/Adware remover which comes with a price tag of $0.00.

This, of course, is incorrect as Wazoo mentioned, there are MANY Spyware/Adware removers out there with a price tag of $0.00.

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Hallo people, i experienced in the past a lot of problems in my pc due to spyware and adware problems,but finally i found one antispyware/adware 100% fool proof !

I found the solution long back. It is called Linux operating system. Have been using it for 9 years. System never compromised. No spyware, no viruses ...

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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 years later...

I think this topic is old, but not obsolete - yet and  still with good, useful cautions. 

There is no such thing as a free meal, nor is there such a thing as "free" software/app/program/scripts/services whatever it's called this month.

The government and corporate stalkers have pre-purposed what our rights to privacy are. There being no fixed dollar value on 'privacy', privacy is therefore deemed value-less. In exchange for "free" -stuff-, we pay with value-less privacy.

READ THE PRIVACY POLICY and/or Terms of Use of almost any telcom giant or any small business-card style website and if you survive the legalese and gobbledygook you'll find that using the sites services or whatever, invalidates your right to privacy and that it is open season on your privacy.

In short, Internet "free" means no money is exchanged - just your privacy. Keep in mind, that it is best to read the privacy policy, BEFORE entering in to any agreement with any -thing- on the Internet.

When you see those annoying, thug-like warnings that states "We use cookies and other ..." Note the keywords "and other"! If they do not explain what "other" is, then they don't want you to know what else it is they are doing with your privacy so run - there are many websites that will probably have what you're looking for, without stalking you with "and other" embedded spyware. Too, "cookies" are not always the cute little helpers they pretend to be.


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