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Held E-mail

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Displaying 100 e-mails at a time is either too little, or discarding e-mails automaticly after 30 days is too long. I get 120+ spams per day and I don't have time to look at them all. SC does about a 1 in 5000 job of dealing with spams and realisticly I don't care about that 1 real e-mail I don't get until the person picks up the phone and calls me.

So I'd either like to be able to personalise my display (displaying 300 at a time lets say) or I'd like to be able to personalise the amount of days to store. When I go searching for a legit e-mail someone asks me if I got, it is always something recent. Reporting e-mails older than 3 days doesn't help anyone on SC, so I'd really rather just have SC automaticly erase my held e-mail after 3 days. That way I only have 400 or so e-mails at any given moment to sort though.

Is it possible?

Oh, and I do report spams after I look though each, but I only do it once a week or so. So I'm not just ignoring the e-mails, it's just that it takes too damn long (5 minutes or so per page times 10 pages per week). More per page or less in total is good for me.

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In addition:

Oh, and I do report spams after I look though each, but I only do it once a week or so.

You might want to skip reporting at all if you are only doing it once a week. As you note anything older than 3 days is not acceptable anyways and that is just wasting spamcop's resources for valid reports. You might consider just reporting the spam that slips through the filters, but do it every day.

Also, I second the reccomendation to use Webmail for reporting.

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