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SpamAssassin confused about AOL webmail messages

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To other uses, but primarily to Trevor:

There's a known SpamAssassin bug that's increasing the spam scoring on messages received by SC email customers from AOL's webmail system. For example, from the headers of a message I sent directly from AOL webmail to my SC email address:

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.3 (2007-08-08) on filter7

X-spam-Level: *

X-spam-Status: hits=1.8 tests=FORGED_AOL_TAGS,HTML_MESSAGE version=3.2.3

Since the "spam-Status" line doesn't contain the individual scoring values, I found plenty of other messages in my inbox with only this:

X-spam-Status: hits=0.0 tests=HTML_MESSAGE version=3.2.3

so it's clear that the "FORGED_AOL_TAGS" is responsible for the entire value of 1.8 and the "HTML_MESSAGE" hit is configured not to affect the score. I googled:


and came up with multiple hits of people reporting this as a long-unresolved SA bug, and also saw admins recommending that until someone actually fixes this SA bug, that this SA test should be zeroed out, by adding:


to the "local.cf" file on the server. Trevor, please do that ASAP, because a false bump of 1.8 to the SA score of an innocent message is significant, possibly sending it above the user's defined SA threshhold.

Interestingly enough, I've also seen this same behavior on mail that passes through a Barracuda spam Firewall, so the Barracuda folks haven't addressed this issue, either.



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