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Black listed but only with spamcop


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I have been trying to sort out a black list problem which started last on wednesday last week.

I sent an email and it was rejected by spamcop so I contact the receipient of the email and they confirmed my email address as on the white list. After that incedent I let the thanksgiving holiday run past to let the 24 hours clear it out and tried sending another email but it came back with the same problem.

I have had a few other (out of the hundred or so I send daily) emails get bounce back as well and they have the same message.

<<< 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?

A few of the address are [at]LogixCom.com, [at]motovicity.com if this helps

Our IP is and it is a fixed IP. I ran several tests on our firewall and checked the two computers in the buildng for any possible spam generating problems but I have not been able to come up with an answer. I sent the 1 time request to have us removed after I was sure we did not have any problems in our local network.

I have also checked for our IP being flagged on any other spam lists but we do not come up anywhere else.


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Take the time to look at the Why am I Blocked? FAQ and Pinned entry here. Take the time to look at the countless hundreds of existing Topics/Discussions started by others with the same question. You'd have also learned that SpamCop.net cannot "block your e-mail" .... any blocking action would be at / due to the configuration of the receiving e-mail server, and that's up to the folks that run that server.

http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=blcheck&...ip= listed in bl.spamcop.net (

If there are no reports of ongoing objectionable email from this system it will be delisted automatically in approximately 8 hours.

Causes of listing

System has sent mail to SpamCop spam traps in the past week (spam traps are secret, no reports or evidence are provided by SpamCop)

Additional potential problems

System administrator has already delisted this system once

Spamtrap hits only is a clue to what to look for .... it should have been done and cleared up before trying to delist.


Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Last Month

Last day ...... 2.5 .. 68%

Last month .. 2.3

The numbers don't show the totally compromised/abused server usually seen with this type of question . alos suggesting a particular scenario involved.

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Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Last Month

Last day ...... 2.5 .. 68%

Last month .. 2.3

The numbers don't show the totally compromised/abused server usually seen with this type of question . alos suggesting a particular scenario involved.

However, the ramp-up appears to be showing ....

at 1441 GMT-5 ... basically 10 minutes later ....

Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Last Month

Last day ...... 2.6 .. 99%

Last month .. 2.3

Reply (?) by Daspion has been removed, as the only content was a copy of my previous post, quoted in full ....

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With just spamtrap hits, I would start by sending a mail to deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net to ask what kind of traffic they are seeing from that IP address. I would also check your mailserver to make sure it is rejecting undeliverable mail, rather than accepting it and generating a seperate NDR to a potentially and probably forged FROM address.

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data point...
Came off the SCbl on time but the SenderBase figures above indicate an extra 300 messages or so (monitored, could be more) above last month's base-line. The odds are it was something in the leading edge of the increase that hit spamtraps.
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