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iPod Touch clones


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I was looking to buy a new MP3/MP4 player since it appears the one I got for Christmas is a piece of junk. I stumbled across what looks like an iPod Touch, but is in fact a knock-off. Further research revealed several companies making these, including one company by the name of Optimus (Chinese.)

What really makes these nice is that in addition to the on-board memory, you can insert a loaded micro-SD card and it'll read the songs off that as well. Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with these?

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...Just wondering if anyone here has any experience with these?
Not specifically - but I have yet to have a good experience with Chinese (PRC) electronics. To be fair, I've probably only sampled the bottom end of the quality range (who else can make a wildly inaccurate digital watch, f' Pete's sake?). On the otherhand this PC has a Microstar (Taiwanese) MB, replacing an ASUS (also Taiwanese - they used to be well regarded but mine died, maybe it was the lead-free solder :D).
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