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Yahoo changes


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From comments elsewhere it seems some/many Yahoo users are not aware of advised changes to email client settings following an upgrade to POP/SMTP servers rectifying message delays (on account of an unanticipated upsurge in messaging - one shudders to conject ...). Seems the message delays were not noticed by all anyway but ... a starting point:


It looks like it wasn’t clear where to look or what needed to be updated, so hopefully this will call it out a little better. Most users will need to update the settings in their email client. You’ll need to login to your Yahoo! Mail account and visit the Options area to see your personal settings. We are also updating Help pages, but the best way to get the updated information is from within your account.

* Login to Yahoo! Mail

* Click on the Mail Options link

* Click on “POP & Forwarding”

* Click on “Set up or edit POP & Forwarding”

* Click on “POP Settings” or “View POP Settings”

* Review the settings provided and update your email client to match

And further teeth-gnashings. Dunno, don't use it myself but FWIW ... HTH.
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From comments elsewhere it seems some/many Yahoo users are not aware of advised changes to email client settings following an upgrade to POP/SMTP servers rectifying message delays (on account of an unanticipated upsurge in messaging - one shudders to conject ...). Seems the message delays were not noticed by all anyway but ... a starting point:


And further teeth-gnashings. Dunno, don't use it myself but FWIW ... HTH.

THis does not seem to affect the free US accounts which do not have the POP/Forward options. Here, those are additional fee options. There is no such option in my account and the popgate system is still working for me. It could be part of the new Yahoo! Mail they are pushing. As long as popgate keeps working with the original version, I will not be upgrading.

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