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Food for thought

The Secret China-U.S. Hacking War


The curious mismatch between supposed Chinese government oversight and control and the apparently unfettered use of Chinese resources in spamming has been mentioned "here" before. The hacking is on another plane entirely.
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  • 4 weeks later...

EXCELLENT... thanks for that one!

I've been following the "China" invasion for some time now via Google's news forwarding service -- and the issue is only recently making its way into the main stream media. Statistics abound on how many breach attempts are made each minute which originate in China.

157 out of 776 spams in today's spam traps originated in China, or spamvertised web sites registered or hosted in China and/or the Pacific rim.

So it's not just about hacking, or national security -- it's about the huge sums of money being extracted from U.S. citizens each day, shuttled to China via spam and spam related revenue streams.

Thanks for that post.

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