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Timeout on Spamcop connection...


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I've very recently been unable to connect to Spamcop, for either reporting or removing held mail/spam. The page loads, accepts content, but then, when 'process' is clicked, times out. Held mail is displayed, but again the page times out when process is selected.

MacBook Air; Firefox (and Safari); no problems with any other sites...


- duncan

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... Help!
Sounds like a gateway issue (in which case this topic would be better placed in another forum like SpamCop Email System & Accounts) - anyway, Wazoo put together some research/resources at one time - http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...post&p=5917 - is anything there relevant? Have a glance at the rest of that topic for context.
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Sounds like a gateway issue (in which case this topic would be better placed in another forum like SpamCop Email System & Accounts) - anyway, Wazoo put together some research/resources at one time - http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...post&p=5917 - is anything there relevant? Have a glance at the rest of that topic for context.

That material was interesting academically - but sadly way outside my ability to follow... essentially, I need to know what, if anything, I can actually DO!

I'd really, really like to report spams again - especially those which are using my spamcop email address!

- duncan

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I don't know anything about the spamcop email system so my guess at what you can DO may be worthless.

It sounded to me, from reading the previous topic, that there was a timeout when too many spams were being reported. There was recently a maintenance outage on the reporting side. Perhaps too many spam accumulated.

I would try deleting just a few spam at a time from held mail (the oldest first since they are likely to be too old by the time you get this problem fixed). If you cannot delete at least one spam, then someone else will have to come up with something else you can DO.

If you can delete some spam, then you might try submitting only one or two spam to see if that works. If that does work, then I would try submitting what recent spam you have in increments of no more than ten and deleting anything more than today's spam. Once you have your held mail cleaned up, perhaps the problem will go away.

Miss Betsy

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I've very recently been unable to connect to Spamcop, for either reporting or removing held mail/spam. The page loads, accepts content, but then, when 'process' is clicked, times out. Held mail is displayed, but again the page times out when process is selected.

MacBook Air; Firefox (and Safari); no problems with any other sites...

Topic being moved to the Reporting Help Forum section with this post.

The phrase "unable to connect to SpamCop" require more defintion. on one hand, you describe your issue as being able to connect to something in some fashion .... only running into a time-out problem when trying to perform another action.

SpamCop.net has numerous "connection points" ..... www, mailsc, members, forum, webmail, etc. Which one are you using for your spam submittal process? Have you tried the other modes of/access points for your submittals?

Depending on the above defined connection, there may be some Akamai servers involved. Historically, problems from the UK are unfortunately not all that rare, though noting that this hasn't come up in quite a while. A "trace-route" result may or may not show some isses ...???

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Complicating diagnosis though maybe associated, there are continuing problems with mail processing, thence reporting. Newsgroup poster (from Ohio) comments on "Strange delays" with the symptom of no heldmail - and switching between webmail.spamcop.net and mailsc.spamcop.net perhaps triggering some sort of unjamming but subsequently submitted spam mostly not going through. His post 22 Mar 2008 16:04:47 +0000 (UTC).

And, as said above

...Depending on the above defined connection, there may be some Akamai servers involved. Historically, problems from the UK are unfortunately not all that rare, though noting that this hasn't come up in quite a while. A "trace-route" result may or may not show some isses ...???
- is something you might do to at least define things a little more. As someone once said, "What a b------ of a way to spend Easter."
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