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Virus notification

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Hi !

I know that the virus notification option has been deactivated since September. It would be very good to know how many emails have been received with virus. Is there any plan of reactivating this feature again ?

Many Thanks !


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Hi !

I know that the virus notification option has been deactivated since September. It would be very good to know how many emails have been received with virus.

Why is that?

Is there any plan of reactivating this feature again ?

No, probably not. It simply causes too much mail and it's useless for almost everybody.

During the 24 hours of Jan 28, we caught and removed about 143,000 copies of the virus. That's about 100 per minute. That's not a large percentage of our normal daily email, but there's just no point in delivering all of those messages.


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You're propably right :) Does the webmail send a warning message to the user back that informs him of an virus attachment ?


I dont think that is a good idea. How can it do that when the "from" address is usually forged in virus email? The warning would be going to an innocent victim.

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I dont think that is a good idea.  How can it do that when the "from" address is usually forged in virus email?  The warning would be going to an innocent victim.

Merlyn's right. Most viruses any more forge the return address when they are sent. Systems that try to reply to the sender usually end up sending virus reports to innocent people who don't actually have the virus. It used to be considered a good idea, but most people have stopped doing it for this reason.


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