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Mass Single Source Reporting HELP

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I have had spamcop for a number of years now, but I am having a major issue with only being able to report 100 messages at a time. In the last few weeks a spammer has taken it upon him self to mass mail me the same email over and over so I end up with 2000 emails in a night ( yes the same email title and body )

Now being that it takes about 2 to 4 mins to flag all the messages and report them before the next 100 messages comes up, I spend 20 to 40 mins dumping these emails to clear my spamcop reporting cue

Yes the nice guy at Web 2.0 seems to send them every min or less for a day, bug or just pissed because I report him, but in anyways case spamcop needs a better way to stop mass mailings and or to report them in a better bulk.



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I have had spamcop for a number of years now,

Let's start with the obvious .... SpamCop.net has changed over the years. Have you kept up?

but I am having a major issue with only being able to report 100 messages at a time. In the last few weeks a spammer has taken it upon him self to mass mail me the same email over and over so I end up with 2000 emails in a night ( yes the same email title and body )

Now being that it takes about 2 to 4 mins to flag all the messages and report them before the next 100 messages comes up, I spend 20 to 40 mins dumping these emails to clear my spamcop reporting cue

For example, you really make no mention of just how you are reporting now. One easy assumption would be that you are somehow submitting your spam for "full parsing" .. primarily based on your use of the word "cue" .. [actually suspecting you meant to use "queue"????]) However, not sure how this relates to 'dumping', 'flagging', 'next 100 coming up', etc.

but in anyways case spamcop needs a better way to stop mass mailings and or to report them in a better bulk.

The SpamCop FAQ and the SpamCop Wiki (links at the top of this very page) both contain entries titled What is Quick Reporting? ... an item not discussed within the Original/Official FAQ, yet definitely existing within the Parsing & Reporting codebase.

In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if "way to stop mass mailings" might actually imply a question about the SpamCop.net E-mail Account System ....???? (That subject has its own Forum section)

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On a pragmatic note.

If this person is /only/ sending all these emails to /you/ for a malicious reason, I am not sure that it helps to report them via spamcop. I think it takes more than one reporter to get an IP address on the blocklist. Though, perhaps the volume might make a difference. OTOH, he might be sending them from a number of different IP adddresses.

If this person is not sending them for malicious reasons, but because s/he doesn't understand how to work the spam program s/he bought, then, again, one reporter may not make a difference.

Usually, when there is a deluge and they are all the same, the email is a 'misdirected bounce'. It usually doesn't last very long. However, they would be coming from different 'misguided' server admins.

If the IP address(es) that you are reporting do not show up on the spamcop blocklist and the emails are not non-delivery messages, then it probably means you are correct in thinking that you are the only one getting them. I think that, depending on who the report is going to, I would make a manual report to that abuse desk stating that you are getting overwhelmed with these emails and delete the rest.

If the abuse desk is unresponsive, then I would just delete them and save time. Or only report the first 100 each time. One report is as good as 2000 reports unless reporting puts the IP address on the spamcop blocklist.

If they are 'misdirected' bounces, then I would report via quick reporting since it is only the source who needs to be notified. The tedious job of reporting will only last a short time. If it continues (which sometimes it does), then, again, there is no sense in sending reports to non-responsive abuse desks and I would just report as many as I felt like particularly if the IP address(es) are not showing up on the spamcop blocklist. Some server admins just don't listen to reports, but will fix something if their IP is on the blocklist.

So, if the email deluge is directed only to you and are not misdirected bounces, then the more effective way of stopping them is to complain about the 'act', not the spam. If they are misdirected bounces, then it won't last long probably. One report is as good as 2000 unless reporting is putting the IP addresses on the spamcop blocklist or the reports are going to different abuse desks.

Miss Betsy

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I am having a major issue with only being able to report 100 messages at a time.
Are you talking about 100 spams in a single submission? Are you using "quick" reporting or do you get a message back from us with 100 links in it that you use to report the spam you sent in?

Unfortunately, there are limits to how many spams that SpamCop can handle in a single submission. Quite frankly, I'm amazed that you're able to submit 100 at a time.

If you want to send me your login username, I would be happy to review your account to see if I can help you.

Email me at service[at]admin.spamcop.net

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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1st thank you Betsy for your nice reply and thank you Don, I should have posted more information, but since I really only use the Held email tab for a number of years now, it just seems to be the normal method of reporting spam that has been flagged.

Wazoo, thanks for trying to be helpful, but your tone in the message is kinda Smart A---y, so please no need to reply to this thread anymore.

In general, I have emails forwarded from my domain to spamcop, filtered and then forwarded to pull down acct. I login to spam cop, click on the Held Email Tab, scan the flagged emails and flag the ones for reporting, which by now is almost 99.9% spam to be reported and released. The Held email tab only displays 100 emails at a time, at which time you select the ones to be processed and perform an action, then the next set of emails load in.

Quick data reports is on, as well as send report to 3rd party and show technical data.

As for the spammer, I am not the only one getting these, he has a few other addresses of people [at] Spamcop.net


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In general, I have emails forwarded from my domain to spamcop, filtered and then forwarded to pull down acct. I login to spam cop, click on the Held Email Tab, scan the flagged emails and flag the ones for reporting, which by now is almost 99.9% spam to be reported and released. The Held email tab only displays 100 emails at a time, at which time you select the ones to be processed and perform an action, then the next set of emails load in.

If you would log into your webmail account, you can set the number of messages to view there:


Mailbox and Folder Display Options

Messages per page in the mailbox view.

You can then select all messages and click the "Report as spam" link to submit them for quick reporting. Full reporting is also available if you use the Forward link in that view.

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Wazoo, thanks for trying to be helpful, but your tone in the message is kinda Smart A---y, so please no need to reply to this thread anymore.

Whatever ... mission seems to have been at least partially accomplished. You provided much missing data in your follow-up posts. Thanks for that. Unknown is whether your searches, the FAQ and Wiki references and entries provided anything 'new' to you.

In general, I have emails forwarded from my domain to spamcop, filtered and then forwarded to pull down acct. I login to spam cop, click on the Held Email Tab, scan the flagged emails and flag the ones for reporting, which by now is almost 99.9% spam to be reported and released. The Held email tab only displays 100 emails at a time, at which time you select the ones to be processed and perform an action, then the next set of emails load in.

Quick data reports is on, as well as send report to 3rd party and show technical data.

Based on all of that, I don't actually see a "Reporting Issue" .. as compared to the configuration and use of a SpamCop.net e-mail account .... so with this Post, this Topic will be moved to the SpamCop Email System & Accounts Forum section.

As for the spammer, I am not the only one getting these, he has a few other addresses of people [at] Spamcop.net

And you know that all those alleged accounts are valid?

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Unfortunately, the Smart A... had the answers and the advice to help the OP. This is a user to user forum so one can expect all different kinds of replies. The obvious answer was quick reporting which the OP already knew about as it turns out. The not so obvious answer was how to use the Spamcop email account to best advantage. I don't see how Don's reply was any less condescending; however the offer of personal attention by reviewing the account to find the problem and an answer is one that users can not employ.

It all depends on whether one wants to solve the problem or not whether one objects to the Smart A... style. My personal reaction would be total frustration, if I knew about quick reporting and had been sending 100 at a time, to learn that it was amazing that I could do that. What I want know is how to send more than that, and, if it is not possible, a good explanation of why not. It might make feel foolish that I had not included details in my first post, but, at least, the possibility of including details leading to an answer is less frustrating.

In spite of the facts that 'official' SpamCop points people here for help and that the Smart A.. usually is one of the first to answer a post and has extraordinary troubleshooting skills and that, in the forum, there are several viewpoints - one of which may be the one that addresses the problem better than others, there is always the option of emailing Don - that option also found here in the forum.

Miss Betsy

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In the last few weeks a spammer has taken it upon him self to mass mail me the same email over and over so I end up with 2000 emails in a night ( yes the same email title and body )

SpamCop Email System Preferences

Click the above link and "Click here to enable greylisting" the click blue submit button

Your whitelist will bypass greylisting

Major majority of spam is being sent by spambots or trojan infected computers

Much of these computers are from naive owners (Grandma & Grandpa types as example)

Greylisting stops these even being recognised as spam and just slows them down often/mostly jamming the infected computer sending it. Causing the computer owner to get help in fixing their now broken computer

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