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[Resolved] Historical reporting stats

Darren S

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As much as I like having access to the latest Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly reporting stats for spam -- is there a way to see the history of this also. Say, is there an image or report that shows the total and average per second and per day that spam was reported in 2004 and 2005 compared to now?

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As much as I like having access to the latest Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly reporting stats for spam -- is there a way to see the history of this also. Say, is there an image or report that shows the total and average per second and per day that spam was reported in 2004 and 2005 compared to now?
Well, you can pull it off the internet archive, I guess:


(No, I don't know/forget what caused that spike in Jan 2005 - searching these pages will probably tell :D )

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Thanks so much for the prompt and accurate feedback. I just reported my 56,000th spam and was trying to see roughly what the increase in volume was for even the general SpamCop community. Yes these references helped and thanks so much.

I also used the "Way Back Machine" from archive.org to find an old web page of mine from circa 2002. Super!

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