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Sep 9th 15:00 MT - kicked out of web mail?

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At about Sep 9th 15:00 MT I was kicked out of my webmail session - and I can't log back on, as I consistently get "Login failed. Please check your user name and password. If your account has expired, you can click here to renew." (note that I checked the later, my account it current through 04/29/09 - and my (same) user name and password worked when I checked this out.)

- Is it effecting everyone and so I just need to be patient?? :blink:

- Nothing on the news page - is there any other place I should check before posting things such as this?

- Have I messed up somehow and my account been suspended? (although I doubt this...); who might I check with about this? (I know the reporting and mailing system are handled seperately.)

- I am not at home, so I can't check to see if I can POP my email off the spamcop mail server

My email / user is spamcop.net]xxxxxx[at]spamcop.net

This is a good, stable, well designed mail system it seems - so odd that it has gone down!

Thanks in advance...


edited to remove actual user address as it is no longer need

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I just tested and am not seeing any issue at this time. The times I used it earlier today I saw no problems either.

Checking here is usually the second step. THe news page is not updated as often as it used to be, sad to say.

I don't know about the suspension. I have never heard of one, but that does not mean they have not happened. Has your spamming business been taking off :) (THAT WAS A JOKE) The email address to contact would be support[at]spamcop.net. Obviously use an alternate address and mention your spamcop account in the message (perhaps even ccing it on the message.

IMAP has also been working all day (I monitor that at least hourly all day long, work and home). Have not tried POP yet today.

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Thanks Steven... so looks like it is isolated to me... I will check with IT and see if maybe they have tweaked the Watchguard somehow?? Just a guess... Failing that "fix", I will wait until I get home and try popping off the Spamcop Mail servers. Failing I will try the address you kindly provided via my Yahoo address...

Interestingly I *can* log on at http://mailsc.spamcop.net/ and check my held mail, but it takes awhile to show those held spams.

Thanks again!


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First of all, feedback needed in the last Topic you started. (Of course, not much seen in the following newgroup thread you started later eiter.)

Interestingly I *can* log on at http://mailsc.spamcop.net/ and check my held mail, but it takes awhile to show those held spams.

Under that URL, you are actually logging into your Reporting system account on the west coast .. the Parsing & Reporting system then makes a backdoor reach-out to grab contents of your Held Folder fro JT's system on the east coast. Probably more likely is something going on with your selection of a password ... initial assumption could be as simple as corruption on the hard drive of the system you're using. Delete any/all existing SpamCop.net cookies and try it then. (Use of an alternatew browser might work if you do not 'inport' any settings.)

Again, feedback needed elsewhere.

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First of all, feedback needed in the last Topic you started. (Of course, not much seen in the following newgroup thread you started later eiter.)

Thanks Wazoo.... I tried a different browser or three (I write a few web front ends so have Opera, Chrome, Safari, etc so have a few installed to "test" my sites...), including after a reboot - no luck unfortunately.

I tried a reboot as well, and now will go and try our corporate wireless rather than the ethernet connection (they have different firewall settings) - that might work?

I will also go find another PC with web access...

Thanks for all the suggestions...

P.S. There was feedback / SUM for the previous thread (main Mike E's input & analysis, as well as some details 'Dom' got back to me back channel...) in the newsgroup, when I get home I will cut and paste that into the forum as well - thanks for the prompt!

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JUST A QUICK SUM, such as it is, in case anyone was interested...

- can't get *my* PC at work to access webmail, problem still as described above... tried the things I listed above... the IT staff, being kind as it is personal email of course, also could not log on at their PCs when I entered the user and the confirmed PWID

- weirdly however, I have a server I terminal service to, still on the company network, that I CAN access webmail with using, of course, the same user and the confirmed PWID; I am guessing as this is so easy to do, I will just logon to the webmail in this fashion...

Very weird, neither I nor IT could see any 'applicable' differences between the various PCs that can and can't log on... I will let 'you' know if I find anything... thanks again for the suggestions...



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Right now I'm having zero succes getting into Webmail myself . . .

Related? Maybe! :ph34r:;)

I have been getting and reporting the phishes, as mentioned in the other post, and as also mentioned may be related?

May be some form of denial of service attack? All just speculation of course...

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