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Everything posted by petzl

  1. Pay to send a Tracking url alays at top of page before you submit
  2. Sorry used a members link seems the IP is still flooded with spam attack/s https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip= Click the link is this a shared IP or has your computer been compromised. You really should look for a better ISP one that accepts abuse reports and looks at it! That's assuming you are not the cause? In which case you need to clean up your mailing list to legitimatize it. You a email marketer, if so you need to learn how to do it https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/double-opt-in
  3. SpamCop stops when the spam going through IP stops after 24 hours. At present 9 hours to go https://mailsc.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=
  4. Hitting spam traps which mean dictionary attack and or email poison scraped from spamtrap websites
  5. stop criminal phishing spam going through it https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip= Other hosts in this "neighborhood" with spam reports sendgrid.com refusing abuse reports don't help either Get a Gmail account my advice
  6. I've been assimilated by Google yes they electronically read your mail classify it if seen/tagged to be not pro-government report you secretly to NSA/FBI/DOJ'IRS and so on but for spam from ham it's second to none. Any gmail spam to gmail user is quickly made dead by reporting it as phishing. random big tech spying article, https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/3703490-why-wont-government-release-results-of-investigation-into-big-techs-privacy-practices/
  7. I liked the Finnish national Anthem
  8. Bet one won't like spam after that spam on the other hand is delicious
  9. But I like spam (NOT)! History for spam fighters
  10. SpamCop Seems working effortlessly now. Up to you, but sending spam as attachment is quick and easy (abuse desk can also electronically parse it) Don't help if the abuse desk don't care!
  11. SpamCop reporting site very slow after waiting..... Waiting another sign in appears.... then another.... then another?
  12. "Forwarding as attachment" the subject line is empty, after IP put "phishing" or spam Just makes it clear the originating IP
  13. Yes usually web forms are incoherent and take a lot of time to work out- then they are ignored! I only use Gmail, if spam is sourced from Gmail clicking the "report phishing" seems to work.
  14. Google pointy heads don't want spam reports from SpamCop Just send as attachment from your email that received them to network-abuse[AE]google[DOT]com The spammer already has your email, that's what I do it is not necessary to use SpamCop Just put IP you got it from in email subject,
  15. Just sent myself a message to Yahoo and and copied the raw message from it's webmail page worked fine https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6807597384zf3b351db4e33709708f1ac2d403f29f9z So IMO it's your email program screwing up the headers That's presuming your mailhosts are set-up correctly?
  16. Doubt if anyone can help you here, best if you get a more computer savvy friend over to take a look. Send a fresh yahoo track though and I will see if I can parse it. Your old tracks have expired
  17. Until "moreofless" can sort out his "mailhosts" problem nothing can be done. I use Yahoo, not for email but need/like access to local streaming TV, but for a while getting a lot of spam now nothing, suspect Facebook are not keeping emails secure? Reporting it through SpamCop has stopped the spam always worked for me!
  18. Yes if one reads this but SpamCop is now plagued with this legacy issue. Some still work better/accurately than"Arin" So a big job/problem abuse.net is now a bogus bot that just stamps abuse@domian. many don't use abuse because spambots pick it up and flood it.
  19. This abuse address was set in 8/22/2005 by abuse[AT]ipplanet[DOT]net which no longer exists This is now a common issue SpamCop made these change permanent instead of 12 monthly The now abuse address is abuse[AT]terratransit[DOT]de
  20. SpamCop is not allowed to send abuse reports to "abuse AT cloudbackbone DOT net " But you can *forward* it from your spammed account! Include text of headers/body Just head it Phishing NO REGISTRAR spam level is very high (Russia) https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search= > Put > below you header text then the "headers/body"
  21. I104.149.94.155 has now put up a abuse address before it did not have one! Except for the Registrar! See for yourself https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6806535550z579ecc3525f12541f3b77e0a47c005d7z The spam level from that IP is now zero before it was Critical https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search= Seems your report hit a nerve.
  22. Checking IP: Name: tr-acosh.aeskelly.com IP: Domain: aeskelly.com Registrar Abuse Contact Email: mailto:abuse[AT]namecheap[DOT]com
  23. Just log into your SpamCop Web account, click preferences, then click add fuel.
  24. Don't mean it is SpamCop's IronPort server stamping "[SUSPECTED scam]" in subject line! I get a lot email forwarded through SpamCop's email server never happened to me, including real spam. Gmail do stamp malicious email SpamCop does not filter for spam! https://ibb.co/RcJbTNY
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