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Everything posted by petzl

  1. It's gobbledegook that appears when you have mailhosts set-up. What SpamCop does then is identify the last email "server" that your email server received it from sending reports not always to the spam source. Not really a biggie as the mail server abuse deck will cancel the free email account (if they react to abuse complaints). But it is always better to report to the source of spam as well which stops them just using free account to some degree, Makes it more difficult for a spammer. If you open a 2nd SpamCop page and put in the source IP into its "form box" you can add abuse contact it gives to your report.
  2. Have you tried latest Microsoft Edge and got past the CAPTCHA? Everyone so-far except you have reported it works? Have then you set-up another SpamCop account without mailhosts being set-up, to try to correct spam reports from going to wrong source of spam? No one knows these answers except you?
  3. https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search= This site is not a blocking site just a statistic's site I use the Duck also Google don't like giving access to VPN IP's I use Gmail mainly although to watch Australian TV online require a Yahoo email address What you stated though is sound.
  4. https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search= has no put their "SENDER IP REPUTATION" from poor to good Was on the SC Blocklist but auto-delisted after no spam for 24 hours. Other Blocklist's may have much longer times before they delist.
  5. Good advice Edge browser to me for WIN10 is so far the worst, slow and if you click a clickbait URL with it you could easily have malware problem! I used to use Fox but they also started having problems so went to Norwegian Browser Opera. Now owned by China have disabled (I hope) further updates after they put an annoying AI nagware pop-up Always giving a annoying and large, suggestions Pop-up, when you are reading or want to search by highlighting a word! Easily turned off but don't trust it! So may have to look for another browser, I use a VPN but Google search block it as do many media sites, so it must work, easy to turn off and on but a slug for computer to load it
  6. If one browser has problems first thing I do is use the one provided by Microsoft, which I use'
  7. this is normal my SpamCop one list ALL the mailhosts in CISCO as example, must be hundreds! Never had spam from one though. OVH have mailhosts worldwide! Tick the box below parse box where you past your spam Show technical details Then you gee more information.
  8. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6852863637ze6b726df861a1d1f692ce4047d6c641dz Yes it was obvious the ISP was ignoring abuse reports so I sent one to their CERT Was listed in CERT as a Botnet now its not as you can now see in the track supplied. https://www.first.org/members/teams/ug-cert
  9. It's already supposedly concluded the problem with the CAPTCHA is your browser? Surprisingly Microsoft browser works?
  10. No it allows you to see how many reports are made on a IP, used to include a SpamCop email account Doubt if Cisco makes money from it. To them I would see it as a pain. No wait time to report Costs you US$3 to try on a valid Credit card Report History: Last 90 days Submitted: 7/2/2023, 7:51:46 PM +1000: DONATION 7270196222 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 7/2/2023, 7:51:46 PM +1000: DONATION 7270196228 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 7/2/2023, 7:51:46 PM +1000: DONATION 7270196237 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 7/2/2023, 7:51:46 PM +1000: DONATION 7270196256 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 7/2/2023, 11:14:34 AM +1000: DONATION 7270147965 ( z_User_Notification ) To: info@ug-cert.ug 7270147963 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 6/26/2023, 5:48:09 AM +1000: RE 7269038685 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 6/25/2023, 6:24:28 PM +1000: {-spam-} RE 7268951663 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 6/24/2023, 2:37:37 PM +1000: Loan Offer 7268761699 ( ) To: [concealed user-defined recipient] 7268761698 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Submitted: 6/5/2023, 12:39:06 PM +1000: I NEED YOUR URGENT RESPONSE 7265191077 ( ) To: ainebya@mtn.co.ug Older Reports
  11. https://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=paymenu you will need to login, Credit card handy
  12. Not seeing a improvement just downgrades Even the headers have increased in size but the spam still is a problem.
  13. Again SpamCop was sold in 2003 with no or little upgrading since. But as you have probably gathered I use SpamCop as an aid mostly reporting directly to the spam source. I have a Windows operating service use these programs to help attack spammers with with Win32Whois IPNetInfo The SpamCop parse box is also full of info by pasting info into it Statistics: not listed in bl.spamcop.net More Information. listed in cbl.abuseat.org ( 1 ) Reporting addresses: anti-spam@chinatelecom.cn listed in cbl.abuseat.org ( 1 ) means, The machine using this IP is infected with malware that is emitting spam Reporting addresses: anti-spam[AT]chinatelecom[DOT]cn, which is rubbish (ignored), Chinese spam needs sending as attachment from spammed email to abuse[AT]12321[DOT]cn
  14. This seems to be continually being mentioned. Nothing being done?
  15. RobiBue is correct but mailhosts sometimes get confused. Might try to delete your present mailhost and re-register them. SpamCop mailhosts collect a lot of nearby mailhost IP's Maybe Try opening another SpamCop account with no mailhosts setup Becareful you don't report yourself wiyh every submission
  16. Yes SpamCop is not reporting the source IP in this case. so you need to do this become better than the BOT SpamCop https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6849854102zed06af770ac057586f0ce80e985399edz No unique hostname found for source: (abuse[AT]ufanetp[DOT]ru ) Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts Which is SC will only send reports to identifiable IP's in this case OVH's free spammer account or registrar of https://www.plesk.com Registrar Abuse Contact Email: legalservices[AT]eurodns[DOT]com Also report the or any spammers link to in this case Registrar Abuse Contact Email: abuse[AT]support[DOT]gandi[DOT]net http://www.w3.org/tr/xhtml1/dtd/xhtml1-transitional.dtd May seem a bit of work but if you do this you become poison to a spammer
  17. I don't understand why you wrote that? Some here get their jollies from fake help requests is not OVH? it's Russia Always send a SC track URL in your request makes aid replies easier! OVH used to be black-hat and obnoxious, They have servers in different countries, must have their spammers now trained, not had spam from them for years? When they refused to stop sent complaint to that countries CERT seems OVH didn't like that? Would help if I could see at least one SC track, But your choice! (OVH would have your server from your report) "We offer a completely free and fully functional 2 weeks trial here. No credit card required." OVH have free offer spammers delight you can ask them to reset password but SpamCop should be reporting to the Russian source? But falls over if it does not have it's DNS set up correctly
  18. Learn how to get a SpamCop Track URL link shown at top of page BEFORE submitted. SpamCop only detects the IP of any weblinks, not the Registrar, times have changed ISP's do not act on IP's of weblinks unless they have no Registrar! I use windows program to lookup the/a Registrar There are web based ones not used by me, so take care. https://www.whois.com/whois
  19. Not all abuse department accept "forwarding as attachment" Microsoft does.
  20. Gmail AI smarty was marking and blocking my spam abuse submissions not happening lately so maybe they fixed a glitch?
  21. SpamCop (SC)is just a aging BOT that is still chugging along! It's not that hard to become better than SC nothing wrong with reporting from your spammed email account yourself the spammers already have your email address. As for Gmail/Google spam they do not accept SC reports you have to do this yourself I use Gmail and just click Phishing enabling their BOT to stop it in Nano seconds. Outside of Gmail you will have to report it yourself, from the spammed account, below is a google search of how and who to report to. https://tinyurl.com/29aufvxb The best way to deal with spammers is attack them, I get very little spam. but every once in a while it flares up a little.
  22. Probably, I believe everything is, but the spam stops when reported quick? in the subject just put the offending IP that's all
  23. Well I changed it back to where I wanted it sent and now it is doing that thanks. For some reason PayPal want me to jump hoop's to use another email address. Since I have found a way to shut down Chinese spam (flooding my Gmail account) which is to send as attachment to abuse[AT]12321[DOT]cn problems have ceased?
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