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Everything posted by lisati

  1. It's been a while since I have posted here, but I'm thankful that I'm not the only one to have noticed that reports to Microsoft seem to have sent to SEWR lately. As near as I can make out based on my own minimal research, and as someone else has noticed in this thread, it seems to be connected with Microsoft trying to deal with spam. Now to wander off and catch up with new replies.
  2. I noticed a bounce error too a few weeks back. After hassling my ISP a bit to see if they'd done something to mess with my ability to report emails to Spamcop, their response was a bit incoherent. Amongst other things, they asked for a copy of the email that was bounced, in spite of a screenshot showing that messages TO my email account weren't getting through. D'oh! Be that as it may, that particular glitch seems to have been been fixed. Today's mystery is why one quick reporting data email was perceived as a threat by my ISP. I have a hunch that my ISP doesn't understand or appreciate Spamcop! I'm mentioning it in passing but don't plan on making a molehill out of a mountain.
  3. I was disappointed when Habul stopped working for me. I now use a different addon, "Report spam"
  4. What constitutes a "bounce" in this context isn't always apparent to a volunteer such as myself. It could be anything, such as a dead email address, a full inbox or auto replies that have, for some reason, been counted as a bounce. As for why the reporting address didn't update, it's likely that whoever is responsible for updating reporting addresses in the database(s) Spamcop consults hasn't made any changes for a while.
  5. I've seen some with apparent connections to Russia. Thankfully my provider filters them out before they make it to my inbox or junk/spam folder.
  6. What I'm seeing at the tracking link is typical of mail I receive at an Outlook email account, where the top-most (most recent) Received header trips things up so that reports go to report_spam[at]hotmail.com - I usually delete or comment out the header in such situations, which is normally sufficient to get the report(s) sent to a more appropriate address.
  7. I wouldn't worry about it too much, there are situations where unwanted email arriving from some sources need some special handling. If I recall correctly, I started noticing this behaviour a few years back, not long after Yahoo made some changes that tripped up the Spamcop parser.
  8. One of the links in the body of the message tracks back to cloudflare.
  9. Sounds a bit like "backscatter" where a provider has the "wrong" email address to use when sending out a bounce or other form of non-delivery report. Some see it as spam, some don't. Unfortunately there's often no easy and reliable way for a provider to determine from the email headers if the return address is legit without the risk of annoying and/or inconveniencing innocent bystanders.
  10. Thanks for that. I haven't sent reports to the spam[at]uce.gov address for a couple of years, after my provider seemed to be having trouble delivering to them. Their explanation was that it was a DNS issue, and persisted with that explanation even when confronted with evidence that it wasn't.
  11. Having some kind of table for us to use does sound like it might have some merit. There's also a section of this forum that some contributors use to submit updates and corrections. under Spamcop Reporting Help -> Routing/Report Address issues
  12. That's OK. I first noticed changes to the way Yahoo emails were being processed a couple of years ago, after Yahoo changed something at their end which seemed to break regular processing.
  13. For some reason, I saw a "report spam now" button when looking at the report linked to by tracking link. Be that as it may...... There are a variety of reasons that Spamcop will not send reports directly to a provider. Perhaps the admins want to keep an eye on spam reports for that particular provider, or perhaps it needs some kind of special handling. I've noticed with reporting emails that appear to arrive via Yahoo, for example, sometimes the reports go to "internal spamcop processing" (or similar) and sometimes they go to an abuse address.
  14. Cool. That's what's forums like this are for, amongst the various ideas that tossed into the discussion, there are often those which are helpful.
  15. I can confirm #2: Whenever I report stuff that appears to have originated in my provider's system, usually webmail, I often get a "nothing to do" or "no IP address" type of message. (I haven't had one for a while, I don't get them that often.) As for #1, I can't remember. It's always a good idea to make sure that you have mailhosts set up for ALL the email addresses that receive spam that you are likely to report, AND keep them update them if something in the way your provider processes email changes.
  16. My English teachers at school might have had a relatively minor objection to "aint."
  17. It better not be one of those cards that I sometimes get offered by spammers and scammers!
  18. You need to forward the email as an attachment, and not as "inline" - the Spamcop parser needs access to the full text of the email to do its stuff.
  19. Spammers are not only annoying, they tend to be stupid. I've even had one (can't remember which provider the original email was traced back to) where the sender claimed to be Donald Duck. I couldn't resist having a little bit of fun with them....... There's a humorous post on how stupid they are in the Lounge section of the forum.
  20. I get the occasional email from ovh.net and generally report it. Even if they don't respond to our satisfaction to reports, the data provided will still help Spamcop maintain its blacklist.
  21. Good suggestion, I might start doing that too.
  22. What I'm seeing with th What I'm seeing is that the modification(s) still seem to be necessary.
  23. Instead of forwarding the spam as an attachment to "my" reporting adddres, I use the "view source" option of whichever email client, copy it to the submission form on the reporting page, and change the "Received" to "X-Received" before clicking "submit"
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