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[Resolved] New Held Mail folder for spam sent to "not-me"@spamcop.net


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After years of reporting phishes, spam etc. with my name & spamcop.net address in the clear, it looks as though essentially 100% of the spam in my Held Mail folder is addressed directly to my spamcop.net address or to a list of spamcop.net addresses of which my address is a member.

As either I alone or auto-replies from anti-phishing groups send mail to my spamcop.net address, it would appear that I could use a Held Mail folder to accumulate the spam stuff, and which I would not need to peruse for accidentally flagged mail (such as legitimate new mail from gmail, yahoo, msn, hotmail, aol, etc.). I would have to whitelist the very few exceptions, of course.

I 'spose I could do this myself by turning off all spam filters and then blacklisting mail addressed to spamcop.net, but I don't see any option for doing that.

George Langford


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Wazoo wondered out loud:

> I've read and re-read it a half-dozen times, and I don't really understand what you're asking.

Everything in my Held Mail folder is addressed to amenex[at]spamcop.net or to [mailing-list-at] spamcop.net. That's probably the result of my persistent reporting of phishes. Perhaps some is the result of my regular spam reporting. I'm not complaining about the cause.

If I could filter everything addressed to (not from) an email address at spamcop.net into my Held Mail folder and cancel all the other filters I'm presently using, then a very few spams would stay in my Inbox, and I'd have next to zero legitimate emails in my Held Mail folder. I'd still have to whitelist emails that _I_ sent to amenex [at] spamcop.net, as well as replies from the anti-phishing groups, but those are easy to spot from their Subject lines.

Thanks for asking for clarification.

George Langford


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You should be able to setup a client filter for that. If you set it up in webmail, it is only activated when you are logged into webmail. Log into webmail and click the filter button at the top.

However, since it is spam and ending up in your Held Mail folder anyway, I would just report it.

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StevenUnderwood wrote:

> You should be able to setup a client filter for that. If you set it up in webmail, it is only activated when you are logged into webmail. Log into webmail and click the filter button at the top.

OK - After considerable effort, which included eliminating all my blocklists and emptying my 2200-entry blacklist file, I managed to set up a simple series of filters which send the spam that is addressed to my primary SpamCop account to a new "HeldMail02" folder. This was an elegant solution that StevenUnderwood suggested.

However, getting the filters to function correctly was tricky. Evidently, if I check the box to stop filtering after a rule is satisfied, the S/W stops filtering altogether, even if the rule isn't satisfied. After I unchecked all such boxes in my train of filter steps, I achieved the desired results. Now the bad stuff ends up where I want it to go.

> However, since it is spam and ending up in your Held Mail folder anyway, I would just report it.

That wasn't the point. I was having to read through the bodies of all 200-spams-per-day, looking for legitimate email that was getting flagged by the blocklists or my blacklist. I then added them to my whitelist. New contacts might have gotten reported as spam if I wasn't extremely careful. Now my primary Held Mail folder will contain only what I choose to add to my blacklist (presently empty), and my "HeldMail02" folder will gather stuff that's guaranteed to be spam, except for stuff from the deputies ... such as my annual bill. I can modify the filter train to account for those.


George Langford


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'Farelf' wrote:

> Thanks for advising on the wash-up George, marking this resolved.


Worked like a charm, but I had to mark spamassassin as tag-only, or it would gobble up all the stuff intended for the "HeldMail02" folder and cram it into the standard "HeldMail01" folder. So far today, 100% of the spams in the "HeldMail02" folder are addressed to "myusername" or "almostmyusername" [at]spamcop.net.

George Langford


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