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Reporting Difficulties

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"Reports of this issue have already been sent" is SpamCop telling you that you have just re-parsed a spam you already reported.

Yes, but after getting somewhat back online with cookie login, I did find that SC failed to clear a spam I'd just reported. I refreshed the page, and after that point it was cleared. Maybe a timing issue?

-- rick

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Then there is a problem with the reporting system.

DiverGuy: If you have been reading any of the other threads, there IS a problem with the reporting system sending you back to the link you just processed. I don't submit that many and am seeing the issue about 50% of the time.

Even if you submit the same exact spam message twice, you should still be able to report it twice (I've done it accidentally once, then apologized). That would be against the rules and make you subject to losing your reporting account, however.

This problem was reported to have been fixed, but several of us are still seeing it.

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DiverGuy: If you have been reading any of the other threads, there IS a problem with the reporting system sending you back to the link you just processed. I don't submit that many and am seeing the issue about 50% of the time.

Even if you submit the same exact spam message twice, you should still be able to report it twice (I've done it accidentally once, then apologized). That would be against the rules and make you subject to losing your reporting account, however.

This problem was reported to have been fixed, but several of us are still seeing it.


Correct. And the context (not content) of my post, was to correct what appeared to be a mis-conception by Don, that the system was working correctly:

No, it (the problem I am aware of) is not (the problem you describe).

Reports of: "this issue have already been sent" is SpamCop telling you that you have just re-parsed a spam you already reported.

I'm not seeing the problem when I send in some spam and then use the "Report Now" link. It seems to be working normally now.

Whether or not it is working "at this moment", I cannot say. I can only say that it has not yet worked correctly for me.

I concede that I assumed that it was rejecting spam that I had not reported, because I assumed it was going through the list of submitted attachments, in sequence.

Now, given the details of your answer, I see that it may have been reporting a spam, then calling up the same spam, rejecting it, then moving to the next item in sequence.

I had not considered that possibility, and I simply assumed it was randomly rejecting the 'next' sequential item to be reported.

In that light, I will submit another batch and look more closely at whether the system is actually catching itself trying to (incorrectly) double report, and then (correctly) moving on to the next item in the list.

(Another possibility is that it is doubling the entries when it parses them from the attachment).



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there IS a problem with the reporting system sending you back to the link you just processed.
Yes, there is. I just filed a high-priority bug ticket to get it fixed.

In other news... The "500 Internal Server" error should be handled by a hot-patch later today.

It's 04:00 in California right how, so "later" means many hours from now.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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Yes, there is. I just filed a high-priority bug ticket to get it fixed.

In other news... The "500 Internal Server" error should be handled by a hot-patch later today.

It's 04:00 in California right how, so "later" means many hours from now.

Confirmation of bug:

This morning, in a batch of 38 attached spams, the system attempted to re-report approximately 8 times.

A followup batch of 8 spams, attempted to repeat 3 times.

Each time it appeared that the system was looping back to the most recently reported spam and was trying to re-report it.

Whether the system was 'going back to the most recently reported spam', or whether it had double-parsed when it went through the submission, is unknown to me.


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From Spamcop news

Subject: SpamCop 4.5.0-101 Hot Patch Deployment

Date/Time of Maintenance: Monday, March 30, 2009, 2:00pm PDT

Expected Duration: 1 hours

Impact: Our SpamCop cluster will have intermittent availability during

the 1 hour window.

Customer Impact: Direct customers of our SpamCop service will notice

intermittent connectivity during the downtime.

This hotpatch addresses the mailsc/held mail/etc errors of the last

couple of days.

Please propagate as needed.



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From Spamcop news

This hotpatch addresses the mailsc/held mail/etc errors of the lastcouple of days.

I processed a batch of 33 spams this morning without incident. It appears to be fixed.

Now, how about a decimal place in the average reporting time?

I'd love to know how close to 3.0 hours I am.



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