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Cause for IP to be listed


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Our mail IP was list in SpamCop blacklist.

I already delisted it.

How could I find more data on "e-mail hitting SpamCop spam traps" ?

Who was send to whom?

All our psychics are out. Which IP?

Did you fix the problem before de-listing?

More info on spamtraps in the FAQ.

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How could I find more data on "e-mail hitting SpamCop spam traps" ?

Who was send to whom?

IP is

Yes, delisting was successful. But I still want to find "quilty" member of our network. not listed in bl.spamcop.net ... good... You were not asked if delisting was successful. You were asked if you found the problem BEFORE delisting. The reason you were asked is it is likely you will be re-listed if you did not find the issue and quick delisting is not possible again.

Since there are no publically availavle reports, you will need to email the deputies for some sanitized headers. You will not receive the "sent to whom" part as that would reveal the spamcop address. And the "Who sent" part is likely forged if this is an every day type of spam caused by an infected PC. A check of your firewall logs from that IP should reveal what was happening.

P.S. I realized as I was driving to work I did not provide the email address for the deputies. It is deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net

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It looks like you have some sort of filtering service that is sending autoresponses to the forged "From" address on spam.

Received: from s-mail-gwout.mobitel.si ([])

by [our trap server] with SMTP; 22 Sep 2009 21:xx:xx -0700

Received: from S-MAIL-GWIN.mobitel.si ([]) by s-mail-gwout.mobitel.si with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);

Wed, 23 Sep 2009 06:xx:xx +0200

Received: from mail pickup service by S-MAIL-GWIN.mobitel.si with Microsoft SMTPSVC;

Wed, 23 Sep 2009 06:xx:xx +0200

From: Antigen_GWIN[at]mobitel.si

Subject: Antigen Notification: Antigen found a message matching a filter

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -


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