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Evil nasty side of spam....


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Could be a timely heads up, with regard to the possibility of that old trick of e-mailed exploits. Amongst my somewhat rare spam there's a 'received ... for' Cyrillic thing with a large-ish MS Word attachment (600K - would be considered huge just a few years ago), the base64 representation of which worries McAfee's hueristics (VirusTotal submission). Call me suspicious but I don't think the real Irina Bogacheva (Ирина Богачева) is going to beg me to get acquainted (Ознакомьтесь пожалуйста) in an unsolicited and decidedly over-weight email. I'm certainly not going to open the thing (or even the e-mail) to test that hunch. http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z3482253556z0...3cdd1f5b174316z FWIW

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Yes you would think that a Cyrillic 'lets be friends' would attract fewer then the current flood I'm getting "from" facebook. Many a day, they all look alike, phishing I would guess. What I find interesting is that 1/8-1/4 of the ones I get contain a Trojan in the attached zip file.

Yesterday I noticed that they are switching from Facebook to MySpace. The dance goes on.

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