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Mail Server Ip Blocked


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Hi, I work for a company named Smile Rehab Limited. We are a provider of specialist disability living aids. You can check us out at smilerehabdotcom

Our mail Server IP: has been blocked by spam cop. It is a shared hosting but this is stopping us sending to a few of our customers and is a huge problem as customer service is vital.

We never 100% send spam on purpose as we can't afford to have that image.

Please can we be taken off the black list.

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Hi, I work for a company named Smile Rehab Limited. We are a provider of specialist disability living aids. You can check us out at smilerehabdotcom

Our mail Server IP: has been blocked by spam cop. It is a shared hosting but this is stopping us sending to a few of our customers and is a huge problem as customer service is vital.

We never 100% send spam on purpose as we can't afford to have that image.

Please can we be taken off the black list.

That server is still actively sending spam. Why on earth would it be removed from the black-list? Fix the problem and the server will automatically de-list. See the FAQs

Just to note:

SpamCop has never, can never, block anything. The blocking is being done at the receiving end (against SpamCop's recommendations).

Nothing is stopping you sending emails. A few customers are refusing to receive them because of the huge spew of spam coming from that server. There is nothing guaranteed about email. Get a better mail provider if you wish to rely upon it.

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That server is still actively sending spam. Why on earth would it be removed from the black-list? Fix the problem and the server will automatically de-list. See the FAQs

Just to note:

SpamCop has never, can never, block anything. The blocking is being done at the receiving end (against SpamCop's recommendations).

Nothing is stopping you sending emails. A few customers are refusing to receive them because of the huge spew of spam coming from that server. There is nothing guaranteed about email. Get a better mail provider if you wish to rely upon it.

Thanks Derek its shared hosting so I will tell the provider this. Thank you for helping

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Thanks Derek its shared hosting so I will tell the provider this. Thank you for helping

...and you're not getting the service you are paying for. This (it is to be hoped) will give you considerable clout. Good luck!

If it helps, recent reports are copied below:

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 09:11:11 GMT:
{spam?}{Score=59} [SPF:fail] Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027894174 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:45:02 GMT:
{spam?}{Score=57} [SPF:fail] Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027886274 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 06:50:14 GMT:
Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027907507 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:01:16 GMT:
Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027652210 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

The server's output is up 1600% compared with its usual daily output so something is obviously wrong and they should already know that because they should have received reports.

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...and you're not getting the service you are paying for. This (it is to be hoped) will give you considerable clout. Good luck!

If it helps, recent reports are copied below:

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 09:11:11 GMT:
{spam?}{Score=59} [SPF:fail] Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027894174 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:45:02 GMT:
{spam?}{Score=57} [SPF:fail] Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027886274 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 06:50:14 GMT:
Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027907507 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

Submitted: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:01:16 GMT:
Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027652210 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com 

The server's output is up 1600% compared with its usual daily output so something is obviously wrong and they should already know that because they should have received reports.

Thanks Again Derek, I have sent them this. I may have to switch to a vps to protect from this happening again and again

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Thanks Again Derek, I have sent them this. I may have to switch to a vps to protect from this happening again and again

If your provider suggested that, I would beware that you might be rewarding their poor service with a more profitable arrangement for them. They have attempted to express delist from the SCbl without fixing the problem and have been penalized accordingly. Not very impressive:

Additional potential problems

(these factors do not directly result in spamcop listing)

Too many delisting requests were made. Next request might be allowed after 29.2 days

Because of the above problems, express-delisting is not available

Add another SpamCop report to Derek's list:

Submitted: Monday, 4 November 2013 10:06:07 GMT:
Important Message From David Gledhill

	6027964340 ( ) To: abuse[at]eukhost.com

IP address is also listed with UCEPROTECT - http://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php?ipr= - for a dozen hits on UCE spamtraps. That listing takes longer to time out than does the SC one and can similarly affect your e-mail "deliverability". But I'm fairly sure they would not have sought express delisting from UCE - that costs money (unkind commentators might call it "extortion").

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<snip>There is nothing guaranteed about email. Get a better mail provider if you wish to rely upon it.
...And note that a better provider will still not guarantee e-mail delivery! To ensure customer service, you (chris2200 and anyone else relying on e-mail for important or urgent communications) would be well advised to find alternative ways of communicating, if possible, and alerting your contacts that e-mail is not a guaranteed delivery mechanism (although it does seem to be extremely reliable, thanks IMHO mostly to the highly robust design of the internet).
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