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Not getting the "Spamcop has accepted..." Emails?


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Suddenly (today) I am no longer getting the "[spamcop] has accepted 1 email for processing" emails. I've been actively reporting emails for a month now and have always gotten those emails. (And then I'd click on the link in the email and send the report.) And as recently as early this morning I was still getting them for anything I reported. Then from this morning on, nothing. Yet I've reported close to 20 emails today. And when I log onto my Spamcop account there is nothing waiting to be processed.

I am running Win7 64 bit with Mailwasher Pro as my email scanner and report spam via that. And it's still set up to do that with the proper Spamcop account settings.

Has something changed at the Spamcop end?

Any idea what's up?

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Hi, Eldor, and welcome to the SC Forum!

&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp This question warranted its own FAQ (a link to which can be found on the SC Forum main page -- look for the link labeled "Single-page Expanded FAQ") entry: "Emailed spam Submissions Disappearing? No Confirmation e-mails?" If you still have questions after reading that article, please raise those questions here.

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Thank you Don and Steve (as well as "Newbie" for confirming the issue).

I'll check out that FAQ and get back if I need more help. Otherwise I'll just wait patiently for whatever needs to be fixed to be fixed.

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Don, IF I do need to email that to you, where do I find your email?

Oops, I guess that's the ...[at]... in your signature line. You did that to fool the bots? Fooled me too.

Email your login email address to me, along with a description of the problem, and I'll look into it for you.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -
- Spamcop[at]spro.net -

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Oops, I guess that's the ...[at]... in your signature line. You did that to fool the bots? Fooled me too.

&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp If Don didn't do it himself, the SC Forum software did it for him! :) <g>
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Only problem is that I'm using MailWasher Pro to filter my email and it is through MailWasher that stuff gets flagged as spam and then I just click on the SpamCop report icon and "wash" my mail and it's gone! Deleted off the server AND reported. And I don't even have to open the email to do that. Reporting it manually would require that I open it which I'm reluctant to do for the extra work and possible risk in opening an email.

And I know that it's spam because the title and all that I can see is in what looks like Russian Cyrillic characters and I have no idea what it says. Definitely spam.

Sure hope the issue gets resolved soon.

It is still possible to report manually though (copy / paste in web browser).

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Suddenly (today) I am no longer getting the "[spamcop] has accepted 1 email for processing" emails. I've been actively reporting emails for a month now and have always gotten those emails. (And then I'd click on the link in the email and send the report.) And as recently as early this morning I was still getting them for anything I reported. Then from this morning on, nothing. Yet I've reported close to 20 emails today. And when I log onto my Spamcop account there is nothing waiting to be processed.

I am running Win7 64 bit with Mailwasher Pro as my email scanner and report spam via that. And it's still set up to do that with the proper Spamcop account settings.

Has something changed at the Spamcop end?

Any idea what's up?

I have the exact same problem. Exactly. Reports I sent this morning were accepted, reports I sent this afternoon were..... I don't know what they were, but I didn't get the "accepted" reply, and they aren't on my "unreported" list when I sign in. Only difference from Eldor is I am forwarding from my ISP webmail, and don't have Win 7 or Mailwasher Pro.

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All the spam I've reported today seems to have been processed. I took a look at the graph for the stats - there seems to have been a lull, followed by a spike and what looks like a return to near normal.

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  • 7 months later...

In the last few days this problem has recurred for me. Several times I have submitted emails containing several spams, and I never get the "received" letter, and can't find them in a "waiting" list. Back those months ago when this thread first appeared, the issue ceased shortly after this discussion. So I thought it might be worth resurrecting this thread and hoping that somebody at Spamcop knows what happened and can repeat the fix. I've got about 50 spams today I would really love to report!

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have you read http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/topic/16596-spamcop-website-stopped-sending-me-reports/ ? (Scroll down to #15)

That may be an approach to tracking down where your problem is?

Because you sent, does not mean SC received.

Because you did not receive, does not mean SC did not send.

I have no inside information, but am not aware of any changes to the reporting system. The delivery of email is not a guarantee and there are many systems involved in the process.

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