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return emails from spamcop


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SpamCop has gone all slow for me too, just now. It happens (servers have more bad hair days than people, it seems, particularly at the end of the week). Sometimes (rarely) the submissions simply "evaporate" and are gone for ever. The FAQ given above by Miss Betsy puts it in context and gives the email address to initiate further investigation if the problem persists while others are no longer seeing it.

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Who are you waiting to hear from?

I am waiting for the 30 spamcop replies before I report anymore. I am afraid if I keep sending spams to spamcop I will get back 60 at once and I certainly DO NOT have time to send 60 reports. That would take 2 hours. Two days now and none of my spams have came back. I am talking about the initial return that allows me to check the boxes and report the spam to the administrators. Since I have thirty out there in limbo already.

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Thst makes sense. I thought you were waiting on a magic fix by itself after posting here.

As you may know, spamcop is mostly "self-supported" through other users, who have no ability but to try and help you help yourself.

Good luck and let us know when you finally get those reports.

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There is a thread started in the spamcop.help newsgroup where others are experiencing the same problem. Julian must be tinkering again.

However, no one said whether the spams were waiting for them to report on the web site which makes a difference in figuring out what is going on. (or if you use quick reporting, do they not show up there?)

Has anyone tried submitting just one without being 'quick'?

Also, you might as well delete any spam that you do not report now. 'Old' spam is not very useful and can clog up the reporting by being too old for spamcop to report.

Just keep trying every once in a while and see if it starts back up. And keep an eye on the forum. If it is a problem with the way an ISP is handling the outgoing spam (there was a problem for all Cox users at one time and sometimes ISPs add outgoing spam filters which catch spamcop submissions), then eventually someone will put two and two together. Otherwise, when Julian stops tinkering, things will go back to normal.

Miss Betsy

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My ISP is Prodigy, or sbcglobal you might say since they are both the same company. I have started sending spam to spamcop again to see if maybe it starts up again. So far nothing but deafening silence. This worries me because I LOVE spamcop and hope my ISP isn't messing up. I will continue to report to see if maybe the "dam breaks" and they start coming back to me again. Thanks everyone....this is a GREAT forum. I will let you know if it starts coming back to me or not.

Sundaypuncher82 :(

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Just a side note ... I tried hitting the "statistics" page to pull up the graphics to see if there was evidence showing for the Reporting system ... 404 for the pics. These graphics are run as background processes, way down in priority, but the fact that the pages are "dead" suggests a lot <g>

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For completeness, I submitted a spam this morning:

Received: from vmx1.spamcop.net (sc-smtp1.verio.ironport.com [])

by sc-app4.verio.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 75D3450D5

for <submit.x[at]spam.spamcop.net>; Sun, 6 Jun 2004 04:44:13 -0700 (PDT)

And the return message was sent to me 4 hours later at:

Received: from sc-app4.verio.ironport.com (HELO spamcop.net) (

by vmx2.spamcop.net with SMTP; 06 Jun 2004 08:45:14 -0700

This is by far the longest I have waited in some weeks. I know there are problems on the webmail side of things but email delivery does not seem to be among them as I am getting plenty of spam.

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Here is something interesting....although I have not recieved the forty-something spams back I did recieve this just a few minutes ago.........

From: "Liquid Web, Inc. Abuse" <88322+rR6QVsS0U_[at]abuse.hd.liquidweb.com> Add to Address Book

To: 1050809189[at]reports.spamcop.net

Subject: [Liquid Web, Inc. ID# 88322] COMPLETED

Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 18:15:01 -0400

This was sent to spamcop and then spamcop sent it to me. So I am receiving SOME emails at least. Thanks everyone for your help...youve been great. I am still waiting for the spams I sent in however. :unsure:

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Still nothing from spamcop. And my isp isn't being very helpful either. They aren't even repsonding to my complaints and demands to find something out. Looks like I might be changing providers in the near future. I just wish I knew what and why this is happening. I am getting all my other emails just fine....but nothing from spamcop. This is getting very agravating. You would think SBC would care enough to at least respond. :angry:


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Here's a bit of background, not that it will answer the issue of the missing, but hopefully change a bit of attitude ... a long time ago, after months of basically no-problem uptime, the e-mail and newsgroup side of the house went down over the week-end. All the alarms went off, pages and e-mail were "sent" ... however, the device that all these alarms were headed for ended up being a cell-phone that had taken a swim in a kiddy-pool, and of course, drowned <g> Thus, the alerts were not pcked up until the following Monday morning, when the new cell-phone was activated ... talk about getting a work-out <g>

This last outage takes a strange turn, in that the security of the data center the systems are housed in comes into taking the blame. As it turns out, JT was on site, working "over here" doing some major upgrades. The catch is that the server that caused the issue was "over there" .... same building, just located in another rack, another bay of equipment. Alarms and alerts did go out, but the catch is, the "secure environment" of the building was blocking the pager and cell-phone traffic. So it wasn't until the upgrades were accomplished, that server powered up and running, that he got in and only then caught the e-mails, IM's and phone calls "we'd" been sending to get his attention <g>

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The website is moving at a snails pace again and I'm not receiving acknowledgments in the mail.

...Same here vis-a-vis acknowledgements. Also the reporting web page has no unreported spam.

UPDATE: An acknowledgement just arrived, 2 hours and 38 minutes after I sent the e-mail with the spam.

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Hmmm, based on postings over in the newsgroups (guess I need to go back over there, find them, and bring the data back over here) .. the database got smacked hard at the time of the last outage (I know I moved Don's post to the Announcements section) ... but, the first easy guess is that the database re-build is in progress .. if so, slow may be the word of the day ....

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Hmmm, based on postings over in the newsgroups (guess I need to go back over there, find them, and bring the data back over here) .. the database got smacked hard at the time of the last outage (I know I moved Don's post to the Announcements section) ... but, the first easy guess is that the database re-build is in progress .. if so, slow may be the word of the day ....

I sure hope they fix it soon. I finally got 80 acknowledgments back for spam that I sent in this morning, but the website is running so slow it'll take me until midnight to report them all.

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