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Average reporting time way off


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Dear people at Spamcop,

It's not really a problem, but the average reporting time that is shown now looks very weird: it gives numbers like 16 days, 20.1 days and other weird figures. It's usually somewhere near 10 hours for me and since it's not possible to report spam that is very old, numbers like 20 days should be impossible.

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Dear people at Spamcop,

It's not really a problem, but the average reporting time that is shown now looks very weird: it gives numbers like 16 days, 20.1 days and other weird figures. It's usually somewhere near 10 hours for me and since it's not possible to report spam that is very old, numbers like 20 days should be impossible.

Hi Ronbuist!

This has been discussed every so often. The general consensus is that the calculation of average time is quite mysterious and not something to keep you awake at nights. Most folk simply ignore it ;)


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As agsteele stated, this "novelty item" has been much discussed. Mine has never been correct, other say that there's is right on the mark. Others complain loudly when it changes, as in your scenario. Just to offer one possibility, you may have submitted a spam from one of the infamous HotMail servers that had it's date-time hosed yet again, thus the date-time stamp on the particular spam was read by the SpamCop parser as dating back a couple of years, thus hosing your reporting average. To agree with agsteele, I see this thing as a trivial and useless item, but noting that others seem to revel in the numbers.

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I do look at the average reporting time, but I'll agree it's nothing to keep me awake at night. I have my 2.5 week old daughter for that :-)

Anyway, I didn't know that this has come up before (I probably should have read the forums a bit more before posting). It just looks really weird and up until today the average reporting time seemed to be OK.

I'll stop trying to get my average reporting time below 10 hours then ;-)

Thanks for replying.


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ah you can keep trying <g> I can only offer that with my sleep problems, any spam I do choose to report through SpamCop is done within minutes of arrival, and my average just dropped to 12 hours.

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And my average is steadily dropping since the spamage was added to the reporting screen from a high of I believe 16 days. It used to be 3 or 4 hours before some failure occured.

Welcome, Steven P. Underwood.

Your average reporting time is: 14.5 days; Not bad.

My other (free) account for work sits at 13 hours and I usually do not report over the weekend.

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  • 2 months later...

Same here. My average reporting time was always 2-3 hours since this feature was introduced. Just very recently, it jumped to 2.3 days, virtually overnight.

This is mathemmatically not possible. :rolleyes:

(After a 2-3 hour average over thousands of messages, it would need a 20 year old email to cause such a drop. However, spamcop rejects messages that are older than a few days.)

Oh well...

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