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Suggestion: Whitelist Domain

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You can white list an entire domain. Just enter the domain on the white list without the full e-mail address. For example, to whitelist all AOL addresses enter aol.com on your white list. There is no need to enter each and every AOL correspondent's full address.

This is dangerous however because you will open the flood gates to all spam with an aol.com return address. You pays your money and make your choices.


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But from the message screen, you can only whitelist the individual user which is what the OP is complaining about. I have the same complaint.

An editable confirmation page for what is being added to the whitelist would be very nice. I don't need it often, but I do go through my whitelist about once a month to change any vendors I use to only the domain part (where applicable).

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The other problem, if I understand correctly the way SpamCop email does whitelisting, is that it matches the purported sender's address on the From: header. The good news is that doing it this way lets myfriend[at]example.com send email to me from any IP address. The bad news is that spammers pretty much always forge that sender's address.

I can't even whitelist my own address, because spammers like to forge my address as the sender (as if I'd be sending that garbage to myself).

I'd really like to see some kind of whitelisting of IP addresses or address ranges/blocks, sort of an inverse to the various blocklists which can be selected. If the SMTP connection comes from an IP address on my IP whitelist, let it through without doing the blocklist checking. That's how we have to set up our Sendmail configuration with blocklists here, so that VIIPs (Very Important IPs) can send business email to us even if their IP is on one of the blocklists we use.

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