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New Forum Skin Problem


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Greetings one and all! I have just re-registered with the forums to regain access.

Somebody kindly provide a new skin for the forum following the upgrade to v2.0 software.

I can't say I found the new style to my liking. Seeing what appeared to be an option to select a pre-version 2 skin in the drop down box at the foot of the main screen which lists all the forums I thought I'd try one of the other options.

I duly selected the pre version 2 skins. The display refreshed and I was left with a totally blank screen.

I deleted all the forum cookies and could get back to the front screen but as soon as I log-in I get a blank screen. This feature is delightlfully present in Mozilla 1.7.1 and IE6. :(

So I've now reregistered to get access but I'm hoping that it might be possible to have someone delve in and reset my account so that I get the default skin.

Or am I resigned to becoming a newbie once again? <_<

My original log-in was agsteele


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To the best of my knowledge, JT would be the only guy around that could do what you ask. If the trust level is there, you could PM me with your account data so I could do "your" login, but that's the only offer of help I can come up with beyond hitting JT directly ... support <at> spamcop.net

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Someone else mentioned the same problem but worked around it by hitting the back button until he got to a screen he could reset the screen. That of course is no help to you or anyone else who does not first read how to fix it before breaking it.

That option should be fixed or disabled.

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Apologies, but I'm going to have to admit defeat. Still participating in some funeral arrangements for a neighbor, so haven't spent all day here ... but have tried various browsers on different platforms, tried to manipulate the heck out of cookies to try to get around the settings, but .... at this point, I'm going to have to state that it appears that the flag is set on JT's system, probably part of your account data, and the obvious issue is that whatever setting you ended up with has no "content" to push out ... the best I can get is what you've described, a nice blank screen that actually only contains the bare data to define a web page with no content. I'm kicking the note out to JT ... again, sorry for blowing the whole day on this and not offering up any improvement ...

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I'm kicking the note out to JT ... again, sorry for blowing the whole day on this and not offering up any improvement ...

Hi Wazoo!

Please don't apologise. I'm grateful that you made time to try on my behalf.

I'll push a note to JT as well.

Thanks again...


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