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Reported same spam twice


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I think both reports were for the same spam. sorry about that.

Submitted: Thursday, August 12, 2004 04:52:36 -0400:

-Need a Laptop? Get a Dell Notebook Free!

* 1170760941 ( http://posta.betterdistributor.com/dell/rd.cgi?... ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

* 1170760940 ( http://posta.betterdistributor.com/dell/?i=ry02... ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

* 1170760938 ( ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

Submitted: Thursday, August 12, 2004 04:23:29 -0400:

-Need a Laptop? Get a Dell Notebook Free!

* 1170754057 ( http://posta.betterdistributor.com/dell/rd.cgi?... ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

* 1170754050 ( http://posta.betterdistributor.com/dell/?i=ry02... ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

* 1170754039 ( ) To: mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net


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AIUI SpamCop will not let you report the same spam twice. It just resorts to 'would have' behaviour indicating that it has alreaady been reported. You may have received two copies of the same spew (maybe from different IP's, maybe at different times), but that's two seperate spams as far as SpamCop is concerned. No need to apologise and nothing to do. Welcome on board.

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That is not exactly true. You can not report the same SUBMISSION twice as it will show "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:" if you access the same tracking URL again.

I just attemted to report the same spam twice as seperate emails and it accepted it just fine. If I had reported the second one, I could have been in violation of spamcop's rules.

Currently, that IP is NOT listed. But senderbase is showing a 1000% increase over the last 30 days and 1200% over the last day, so it may only be a matter of time. They are listed on sbl.spamhaus.org.


When I have accidentally sent a report, I usually send a memo to the address where the report went and cc the deputies<at>spamcop.net so they can see if my report made a difference in the listing and remove it if necessary. I do that because I do not hide my address at all and send reports to all parties (unmunged). You appear to be a mole reporter, so no reports were sent. Also, that IP does not have a valid reporting address in the spamcop system so reports would not have gone out anyway.

A quick email to the deputies should clear your conscience ;)

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Hi guys.

Well, based on my original post, can you tell if I submitted the same submission twice, or the same spam? (Having trouble understanding the fine line.)

Yeh, I originally set out to send an email to the deputies with my confession. Then I clicked on "Help" and found myself here. Searched a little more but couldn't find any email address to write to.

So, you got me.



PS. Steven wrote:


Democratic National Republican Convention?

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That is not exactly true. You can not report the same SUBMISSION twice as it will show "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:" if you access the same tracking URL again.

I just attemted to report the same spam twice as seperate emails and it accepted it just fine. If I had reported the second one, I could have been in violation of spamcop's rules.

Thanks for that, Steve, obviously IUI wrongly! I forget that a lot of users submit by email, I seldom do unless one slips through all the blocklists and ends up POP'd I submit over 99% direct from heldmail where it's impossible to submit twice. OTOH I very often get two copies of a spew in heldmail and always report 'em both with a clear conscience. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Well, based on my original post, can you tell if I submitted the same submission twice, or the same spam? (Having trouble understanding the fine line.)

No, we would need the tracking URL that lead to that report in order to look at the original messages and compare message IDs.

Yeh, I originally set out to send an email to the deputies with my confession. Then I clicked on "Help" and found myself here. Searched a little more but couldn't find any email address to write to.

The address would be deputies<at>spamcop.net


Democratic National Republican Convention?

Dilberts New Ruling Class

P.S. You are the first person I can remember to actually ask me about that and it has been in my personal sig for several years now.

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