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under attack : joe job , please help


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Hello someone is sending messages and they make the from address seem as if it is from me :blink: .

My host is not an open realy , I am exactly under a "joe job" attack/sabotage.

I found that I am under a joe job attack because in the last days I started to receive several mailerdemon email which contain spam and on the from there is my email :o

the email is info[at]-nospam-dreamlink.net and they are using

swbell.net isp . I reported the problem to abuse[at]swbell.net but they receive

a lot of email so at this time the problem is still not investigate from them.

Anyone can help me or provide me some suggestion to stop these spammers ?


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See 'why am I getting all these bounces' in the FAQ. Your situation is extremely common and there is nothing at all you can do about it. It will pass.

Joe-job refers to putting links to legitimate web-sites in spam. This is not what is happening to you!

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Joe-job refers to putting links to legitimate web-sites in spam.

That's not really the definition. Take a look at this page:


where it states:

"A 'joe job' is a spam run forged to appear to come from another innocent party, with the intention of generating complaints about the victim and damaging their reputation."

and at the NANAE FAQ, where it states:

"The act of faking a spam so that it appears to be from an innocent third party, in order to damage their reputation and possibly to trick their provider into revoking their Internet access. Named after Joes.com, which was victimized in this way by a spammer some years ago."


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That's not really the definition.

"A 'joe job' is a spam run forged to appear to come from another innocent party, with the intention of generating complaints about the victim and damaging their reputation."

and at the NANAE FAQ, where it states:

"The act of faking a spam so that it appears to be from an innocent third party, in order to damage their reputation and possibly to trick their provider into revoking their Internet access. Named after Joes.com, which was victimized in this way by a spammer some years ago."



OK thanks for that definition. The point I was trying to make is that a Joe-job is malicious and intentional whereas graziano's problem, while annoying, is not an 'attack' it just happens to be his/her 'turn' to be spoofed.

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