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Yahoo Mail-lists Bounced (?!!?)


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I have been using SpamCop quite happily for several months. However, on Sunday(22nd) I stopped receiving certain emails, and I'm not sure if it's due to SpamCop.

I have an email address at a personal "vanity" domain that is forwarded to my SpamCop mail account. I then pop mail from SpamCop using Eudora. As I said, this has been working great for several months. I have not made any configuration changes to my system or my email program.

However, starting last Sunday the 22nd (as near as I can figure), I stopped receiving any messages from the four Yahoo Groups mailing lists I belong to. It took me a couple of days to notice because everything else was working normally (ie. still received other emails; still had new spam in Held Mail; etc).

Today, I received a message from Yahoo saying that all the mail-list messages sent to me were bouncing. I check the "Bounce History" of my Yahoo groups account, which reported the error: "Remote host said: 553 66.218.66.* mail rejected due to excessive spam (DBP Attack

1093068460 66.218.66.*) [RCPT_TO]"

At this point, I'm suspecting that SpamCop is bouncing all Yahoo mails (which surprises me). Does this sound plausible ? My SpamCop account has the SpamCop and the SpamHaus XBL blacklists enabled. Would this be causing bounces ? I guess I always assumed all suspect mail would be held, not bounced outright.

Any help or suggestions on how to allow the Yahoo mail-lists to "flow" again would be greatly appreciated. At this point, I'm no even sure where the source of the problem is (ie. with SpamCop, with Yahoo Groups, etc ).



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OK, yet another YahooGroups problem just this morning. I'm moving this back over to the Help Forum also (basically because that's where all the YahooGroups problems have already been much discussed) ... please take a few minutes and note the existing Topics over there .. they also reference using the Search function to take a look at the wonderful history of the YahooGroups issues. It appears that somehow this issue escaped the "add this to the FAQ" sequence somehow ...

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OK, three PMs on this one to tell me I jumped too fast. Let me start from the way I read the original post.

I have an email address at a personal "vanity" domain that is forwarded to my SpamCop mail account. I then pop mail from SpamCop using Eudora. As I said, this has been working great for several months. I have not made any configuration changes to my system or my email program.

YahooGroup mail sent to "vanity" address, forwarded to SpamCop, then POP'd.

User states that YahooGroup e-mail is not at the SpamCop server.

User then includes some partial snippet (that also has the IP munged) of a notice from Yahoo that e-mail from Yahoo to (vanity domain) is bouncing.

So at this point, I don't see a SpamCop e-mail account issue, but a probable SpamCopDNSbl situation.

Jump to the snippet ... error 553 is loosely translated as "we don't relay mail to remote addresses" ... hmmm, not quite a clear explanation of what might be going on at the unnamed "vanity" domain or the host of that domain ...

So take the munged IP, changed the mung to a number, and verify that in fact,

Parsing input:

host = n32.grp.scd.yahoo.com

So even though I've no idea of the actual IP that's causing the issue, that this range is YahooGroup stuff makes the rest of the story clear to me.

Right back to the same old story .... YahooGroup stuff has gone out, enough complaints made that the IPs involved are once more on the BL, and we're right back to either the user can whitelist if the ISP allows it or is going to have to handle YahooGroup stuff in a different manner.

Thus begat the decision to move this Topic/posting from the E-Mail Forum to the Help Forum. Hope this helps explain ...

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Today, I received a message from Yahoo saying that all the mail-list messages sent to me were bouncing.

They actually sent you an email about it? If so, did they give any further details than just this:

"Remote host said: 553 66.218.66.* mail rejected due to excessive spam (DBP Attack 1093068460 66.218.66.*) [RCPT_TO]"

At this point, I'm suspecting that SpamCop is bouncing all Yahoo mails

But why not suspect the mail host for your vanity domain? That's much more likely.

I've just switched several of my Yahoo Groups subscriptions over from "no mail" to sending me messages to my own domain, which then forwards to one of my SC email accounts. One of the messages got through, but I've not yet received more than that. Unfortunately, when I log in to Yahoo and check my "Bounce history," it seems that they only compile those reports weekly, so if my Yahoo Group messages are bouncing, I might not find out for a while.


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