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alternate email addresses

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I seem to remember when I signed up for an email account through spamcop, that there is a facility to append something to your username which gets sent to your regular email, but enables you to use different addresses for different purposes. For instance, if my email addres is foo[at]spamcop.net, I can also have email sent to foo-something[at]spamcop.net, and it will get sent to foo[at]spamcop.net.

Is this true, and if so, what actually is the syntax for the "-something" part.

I tried searching the FAQ's for this info and couldn't find it.

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I seem to remember when I signed up for an email account through spamcop, that there is a facility to append something to your username which gets sent to your regular email, but enables you to use different addresses for different purposes.  For instance, if my email addres is foo[at]spamcop.net, I can also have email sent to foo-something[at]spamcop.net, and it will get sent to foo[at]spamcop.net.

Is this true, and if so, what actually is the syntax for the "-something" part.

I tried searching the FAQ's for this info and couldn't find it.

In general, for those e-mail apps that support it and are configured to use it, the actual symbol is usually the "+" sign, rather then the "-" character. In my head, there was an ancient discussion about this over in the newsgroups, and I seem to recall that this was supported. But, as the recollection is ancient, and there have been so many changes since, I sure wouldn't guarantee it today. So, other than suggesting you try the different character, I'm not sure this response is much help.

Just trying to help out until one of the Jeff's or someone else with the real answer shows up.

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IIRC the last Admin comment on the subject, it works, but they won't guarantee that it'll continue to work.

That's not correct. We added this feature specifically for the users and intend for it to stay working.


Thanks, JT!

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