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Is there a way to find out what the "original email address is that has gone through and probably "filtered" out by an on-line dating service?

Here is the header. The person's user name for this site is NOT part of the original email address.

MIME-Version: 1.0

Received: from ml1.talkmatch.com ([]) by mc8-f28.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824); Thu, 7 Oct 2004 09:17:23 -0700

Received: from mail pickup service by da0shma011.match.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Thu, 7 Oct 2004 11:19:58 -0500

X-Message-Info: gVKVkLv3hPhlCiu7NcF0kHPp82kr10zA

X-Mailer: aspNetEmail ver

X-RCPT-TO: <anorton62[at]hotmail.com>

Message-ID: <DA1SHMA0105d73862cd172496094d1d42992de0e14[at]da1shma010>

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Oct 2004 16:19:58.0129 (UTC) FILETIME=[7D067A10:01C4AC89]

Return-Path: look2go[at]talkmatch.com

Thank you.

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...Not sure what you are asking. Is it, "is there any way to tell the real ID of the person who actually initiated this spam?" If so, then the answer is no AFAIK. Had the answer been yes, it would be much easier to stop spam! :) <g>

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The short answer is no, not for normal Users of match.com and its affiliated websites. Professional dating/matching services strive to protect the anonymity of their Customers/Users/Members until the Customers/Users/Members feel comfortable enough to violate their own anonymity for purposes of making a connection outside those services, generally via IM, email, phone, and/or in-person meeting. However, you can report abuse to abuse[at]talkmatch.com and/or abuse[at]match.com via email, you may be able to contact responsible parties within the service itself, and anyone can also report inappropriate behavior via their web form using the following steps:

  • Browse to http://www.match.com/ .
  • At the bottom of the page, in the center of the second to last line, click the "Contact Us" Link.
  • Click on one of the "Customer Service" Links.
  • Enter your Email Address in the "Email Address" Text Area.
  • Select the "Inappropriate User" Topic.
  • Identify the Inappropriate User and describe its behavior in the "Message" Text Area.
  • If you are a User, fill out the other info as appropriate.
  • Click the "Send" Button.

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As the original poster actually made no statement as to just why the query was posed, much less, why it was posed "here" .... Topic was moved to the Lounge area as there doesn't seem to be any reference to a SpamCop reporting issue involved.

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