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Date forged?


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Here is what I reported:

X-Message-Info: 6sSXyD95QpUpnO+v0p4STNHCtKcWPPJy

Received: from carekiss.net ([]) by mc3-f42.hotmail.com with

Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824);

Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:02:00 -0800

Content-Type: text/html

From: Secret Shopper <infoao[at]carekiss.net>

Reply-To: infoao[at]carekiss.net

Return-Path: infoao[at]carekiss.net

Subject: Participate in our RetailStoreReviewProgram

To: x

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 23:01:59 -0500

Message-ID: <MC3-___________________825c[at]mc3-f42.hotmail.com>

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Nov 2004 04:02:00.0468 (UTC)


I got it this morning (11/29) but it shows the 24th..

Spamcops comes with the following:

Sorry, this email is too old to file a spam report. You must report spam within 2 days of receipt. This mail was received on Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:02:00 -0800

Message is 5.4 days old

Nothing to do.

Any idea?


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From the received headers (removed line feeds):

Received: from carekiss.net ([]) by mc3-f42.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824);Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:02:00 -0800

This shows that the hotmail.com server received this message at Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:02:00 -0800 according to it's local time. Since there are no other headers to compare with there are only 2 options I can see:

1. The message has been sitting in your inbox since Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:02:00 -0800. It does not matter when you actually collect or see the message. It only matters when the message was sent (or rather when it was accepted by the first trusted server).

2. The time on that server is incorrect.

As dra007 says, ignore it. It is part of the new rules spamcop has.

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