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Unable to report SPAM starting today


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I have been reporting spam successfully by clicking on the "Skip to Reports" link up until today. After receiving an email informing me that SpamCop has accepted 1 email for processing, I clicked on the hyperlink to access the SpamCop site to finish spam reporting. When I click on the "Tracking URL" and "Skip to Reports" links under spam Header section, nothing happen. Please note that other links such as"View Entire Message" and "Routing Details for x.x.x.x" work properly.

I tested with an email received from SpamCop yesterday, with which I was able to report successfully. I got the same results with only "Skip to Reports" and "Tracking URL" links not working.

Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help.

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I have seen that happen when the page has not completed loading. ONce the page is complete, the anchor is available to get to.

I don't know if this is your problem or not, but others have been mentioning it taking a long time to parse some of the "unresolvable" links.

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I have seen that happen when the page has not completed loading.  ONce the page is complete, the anchor is available to get to.

I don't know if this is your problem or not, but others have been mentioning it taking a long time to parse some of the "unresolvable" links.


Thanks for your email, Steven. I tried reloading the pages for two different spam messages several times, but I still got the same result. Although the status bar at the bottom says "Done", nothing happens when I click "Track URL" or "Skip to Reports" link. Would you please tell me how I can determine if a spam contains any "unresolvable" links?

By the way, I have a free reporting account. I ascertained that my IP address has not blocked. How can I confirm that my account has not been banned? Thanks for your help.

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Thanks for your email, Steven.  I tried reloading the pages for two different spam messages several times, but I still got the same result.  Although the status bar at the bottom says "Done", nothing happens when I click "Track URL" or "Skip to Reports" link.  Would you please tell me how I can determine if a spam contains any "unresolvable" links? 

By the way, I have a free reporting account.  I ascertained that my IP address has not blocked.  How can I confirm that my account has not been banned?  Thanks for your help.


I had never tried using the "Skip to Reports" link before. Tried it on a link that had aready been reported and it did not work. Tried it on a new submission and it did work. Note: the link also does not do anything if the message is too old to report.

I simply scroll down to the reports doing a quick review of the technical details as I go. If you do not want to do it that way, you could turn off the technical details. I think that the link was meant as a means of jumping past the technical details. The link is not needed to submit reports.

If the link does not work for you, scroll down as see if you find either of these messages:

Sorry, this email is too old to file a spam report. You must report spam within 2 days of receipt.

If reported today, reports would be sent to: followed by the list of where reports would be sent.

As for the tracking ULR, I find that it does work, but it actually serves no purpose in that location as you are already viewing that particular ULR therefor nothing actually changes on the screen (except the color of the link, which in my case changes from blue to black). It is there to permit easy copy and paste for other uses.

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I had never tried using the "Skip to Reports" link before.  Tried it on a link that had aready been reported and it did not work.  Tried it on a new submission and it did work. Note: the link also does not do anything if the message is too old to report.

I simply scroll down to the reports doing a quick review of the technical details as I go.  If you do not want to do it that way, you could turn off the technical details. I think that the link was meant as a means of jumping past the technical details.  The link is not needed to submit reports.

If the link does not work for you, scroll down as see if you find either of these messages:

Sorry, this email is too old to file a spam report. You must report spam within 2 days of receipt.

If reported today, reports would be sent to: followed by the list of where reports would be sent.

As for the tracking ULR, I find that it does work, but it actually serves no purpose in that location as you are already viewing that particular ULR therefor nothing actually changes on the screen (except the color of the link, which in my case changes from blue to black).  It is there to permit easy copy and paste for other uses.



Thanks for your feedback. I verifed that the spam was less than a day old. As you suggested, I scrolled down the reporting page for any error messages and found the following:


spam Header

Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:


*No body provided, check format of submission* (font in red)

If reported today, reports would be sent to:

Re: (Administrator of network where email originates)


Re: (Third party interested in email source)



When I manually reported the spam by copying and pasting the content from "View Entire Message" link, I got the same message as above. Does this mean that I cannot report spam messages with blank body?

Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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The FAQ - "Please read before posting"

Rather than confusing issues by answering your query directly, please start from the beginning and talk about why you'd be submitting spams with no body.

Yes, there are broken spams, but as you are just starting, there are a number of other things that may be involved / going on and these would need to be straightened out first. Stuff like what you're using to handle your e-mail for instance.

If you compare the Tracking URL to the "address" of the page you are looking at, you should note that they match .. therefore clicking on the Tracking URL at that time does nothing but re-display the very same page.

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Hello Wazoo,

Thanks for your email.

>The FAQ - "Please read before posting"

I have read the FAQ, but perhaps I have not read it thoroughly enough. I looked through it again, but could not find a subject on reporting spams with no body.

>Rather than confusing issues by answering your query directly, please start from the beginning and talk about why you'd be submitting spams with no body.

I am submitting spams with no body because I have been receiving at least two of those messages three times a week for several months now. I hope that my reporting them would help to prevent those pesky and persistent messages.

>Yes, there are broken spams, but as you are just starting, there are a number of other things that may be involved / going on and these would need to be straightened out first. Stuff like what you're using to handle your e-mail for instance.

Outlook XP, MailWasher Pro v4.1.9. I have a free reporting account so I log into spamcop.net

>If you compare the Tracking URL to the "address" of the page you are looking at, you should note that they match .. therefore clicking on the Tracking URL at that time does nothing but re-display the very same page.

I see. What about the "Skip to Reports" link? I have been able to report other spams successfully by clicking the link and following required steps. Does this link not work for spams with no body?

By the way, I was able to send a manual report successfully this time by doing the following:

1. logging into spamcop.net

2. pasting entire spam

3. adding <no message body> to the message

4. click on "Process spam" button

5. click on "Send Report" button

Would you recommend my submitting spams with no body in this manner going forward? Thanks for your help, Wazoo. I really appreciate it.

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Hello Wazoo,

Thanks for your email. 

>The FAQ - "Please read before posting"

I have read the FAQ, but perhaps I have not read it thoroughly enough.  I looked through it again, but could not find a subject on reporting spams with no body.

<snip>  What about the "Skip to Reports" link?  I have been able to report other spams successfully by clicking the link and following required steps.  Does this link not work for spams with no body?

By the way, I was able to send a manual report successfully this time by doing the following:

1. logging into spamcop.net

2. pasting entire spam

3. adding <no message body> to the message

4. click on "Process spam" button

5. click on "Send Report" button

Would you recommend my submitting spams with no body in this manner going forward?  Thanks for your help, Wazoo.  I really appreciate it.


To re state. The "Skip to Reports" link will only work IF there are reports to be submitted. The question of should blank messages be reported I believe is still a bit of a question, Your method of submitting is supported in the unoffical FAQ see item#3 Causes of "Would send" and "If reported, today, reports would be sent to:" messages
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On one hand, your method of manually submitting your spam will handle those "no body" spams. The only catch is that I don't want to say that this is the 'perfect' way to handle just any spam .. the caveat being the use of Outlook. Outlook has a number of issues "by design" when trying to be used with the SpamCop parser. The FAQ and many discussion Topics here go to how to try to work around some of the issues, to include the two-part form for the manual method of using the parser. Then one has to factor in some of your settings in guessing at what you might actually be seeing / manipulating as compared to the actual spam.

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MailWasher Pro 4.1.9

Firefox 1.0

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. I appreciate the fact that you have taken your valuable time to help me out. I would also like to thank you for your patience and understanding. As you know, I am a neophyte when it comes to spam reporting so I have quite a bit of a learning curve to overcome.

Wazoo, I am afraid that I have misled you by stating that I use Outlook XP and MailWasher Pro to handle my email. Outlook is my mail client, but I use MailWasher Pro to view the spam messages. To be more exact, I use the "Raw Source View" feature in MailWasher Pro to view spam headers.

When I receive a "SpamCop has accepted 1 email for processing" message, I view it in MailWasher Pro and then click on the web link in MailWasher Pro. This launches Firefox browser, with which I complete the spam reporting process by logging into www.spamcop.net and following the necessary steps in a Firefox window. Hence, I don't use Outlook to detect or process spam. I hope this means that I don't need to worry about workarounds for Outlook XP.

If you would be so kind as to let me know that my conjecture is correct, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and help.

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