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Question about Filter Rules


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For those of you more familiar with the workings of Filter Rules, is this a valid Filter Rule?

Self-Defined Header

<X-SpamCop-Disposition> <Contains> <Blocked>

Do This


Seems to me it should be valid and work, but all the "discarded" spam still seems to end up in my "Held Mail" folder, and I get "Held Mail" reports about it. What does "discard" actually do? Is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, which is to just make all the mail SpamCop tags as spam go away, without my ever having to see it or deal with it?

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Yes, I have a Trash folder. It just seems like a lot of make-work to have to manually empty the Held Mail folder to the Trash, and then Empty Trash (several times a week). Isn't there a way to set up a Filter Rule to perform this function? What does the "Discard" function in the Filter Rules actually do?

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If you don't want to report your held mail, there is no problem with simply leaving it there. It will be cleared after 14 days I believe.

Discard does simply delete and purge so it will not be in the trash folder. I have a filter to discard the SpamCop notifications that does just that (I only keep my reported spam in the trash bin so I can look it up if needed and for statistical analysis.

I don't know if that is a valid filter. I would set it up to move the stuff to trash first and make any modifiations until it works properly.

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Thanks, Steven, I will try that route instead. Is there any numerical limit on each user's held mail of which you are aware? I have been accumulating >1,500/week, or thereabouts. I know that this amount of undeleted mail on my own ISP's mail server would have caused major problems--but I suppose this will be in my Trash folder and not on spam Cop's server, so it shouldn't matter much.

Thanks for your great suggestion!

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I suppose this will be in my Trash folder and not on spam Cop's server, so it shouldn't matter much.

The trash folder, Held mail folder, and Inbox are located on spamcop's servers unless you are downloading them to a local folder.

We have been told there are no physical limits in place at this time. Accessing webmail will slow down, especially with lots of old Held Mail and Trash documents. There is a setting in webmail options to limit the number of days messages are held in Trash.

I have to go right now, but if I get a chance, I will document where this is and edit this message later.


I'm back...Options, Maintenance Operations. I have:

Perform maintenance operations on login? <checked>

Purge old message in the Trash folder? <checked>

Purge messages in Trash folder older than this amount of days. <set to 2>

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