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Possible 'bug' on "Spamvertising"


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This is the conversation I just had to engage with my ISP in order to get my server back online due SpamCop being too "smart" on Spamvertising and perhaps my ISP being too 'fast' on suspeding accounts. Please, fixing this issue would make SpamCop a better product. Thank you!!!!


*** Please note the following: ***

The offender email body message contains an URL (www.pipoclub.com) that resolved to the box we got suspended, and we assume that this was done automatically by SpamCop and your abuse interface of some sort.

We have concluded that SOMEBODY *not* in our company just re-utilized an HTML file from our website to generate an HTML body message that became the offending spam message. We realize both points because of the following:

1) After analyzing the full body message, you can see how our URL appears inside a <BASE HREF> tag, inside the <HEAD> block of the HTML code that is used by Dreamweaver. Our URL does NOT appear anymore in the code, even you can see that our URL is NOT being shown nor really linked for users to click in, if you look into the code and search matches for "pipoclub.com" (our suspended box). You can check our URL and see the html code similitudes, JUST in the <HEAD> section. But our website is for childrens and parents (educational software), not Cars nor Markets as the spammer mail is.

2) We are from Spain, not Argentina. The abuse email seems to come from there. Bad to see that our fellows latin-americans are so good spammers.

Thank you very much for your support on the issue.



> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Abuse Administrator" <abuse[at]xxxxxxx.com>

> To: <xxxxx[at]xxxxxx.es>

> Cc: <abuse[at]xxx.com>

> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 4:37 PM

> Subject: [***spam*** Score/Req: 15.80/04.00] FINAL Notice of AUP Violation - 63.x.x.x



> You are being contacted because Sago Networks has received complaints

> regarding:


> [ SpamCop V1.417 ]

> This message is brief for your comfort. Please use links below for details.


> Spamvertised web site: http://www.pipoclub.com/espanol/pipo7/home.htm

> http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?i=z1385631560zc...5f91fcf06682bbz

> http://www.pipoclub.com/espanol/pipo7/home.htm is 63.x.x.x; Sun, 20 Mar

> 2005 23:55:46 GMT


> [ Offending message ]

> Received: from avas-mx03.fibertel.com.ar ([]) by

> mail.fibertel.com.ar (Fibertel S.A. - Argentina) with ESMTP id

> <0IDN009S615RYBF5[at]mta4.fibertel.com.ar>; Sun, 20 Mar 2005 05:46:41 -0300

> (ART)

> Received: from 201-254-35-112.speedy.com.ar

> ([]:34064 "HELO amor-eterno") by avas-mx03.fibertel.com.ar

> with

> SMTP id S327774AbVCTIqf; Sun, 20 Mar 2005 05:46:35 -0300

> Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 05:46:22 -0300


> Subject: {spam!!} GUIA YPF 2005 Y CD ACA INTELIGENTE !!! IMPERDIBLE !!!


> To: unlisted-recipients: ; (no To-header on input)


> Message-id:

> <S327______________________________2923[at]avas-mx03.fibertel.com.ar>

> MIME-version: 1.0

> X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200

> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200

> Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

> Content-transfer-encoding: 8BIT

> X-Priority: 3

> X-MSMail-priority: Normal

> X-Fib-Al-Info: Al

> X-Fib-Al-MXId: ffb674e2ef356e16e5a5888a506db5e3

> X-Fib-Al: noav

> X-Fib-Al-SA: spam, Al-SA-3.02 (punt=16.691, req 8, autolearn=disabled,


> 0.80,




> 0.23,


> 0.00,



> TRACKER_ID 1.06)


> X-Fib-Al-From: mipoison[at]uolsinectis.com.ar


> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">

> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Aprende a Leer con Pipo 1</TITLE><BASE

> href=http://www.pipoclub.com/espanol/pipo7/home.htm>

> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

> <scri_pt language=java scri_pt>

> <!--

> function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0

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> x.src=x.oSrc; }


> function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0

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> if (a.indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a;}}

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> <DIV> </DIV><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#0000a0 size=3> <DIV

> align=center> <CENTER> <TABLE width=635 border=0 height="265">


> <TR>

> <TD width=223 height="261">

> <p align="center"><br>

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_521

> 0.jpg" width="149" height="109"><span class="texto"><br>

> </span><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><br>

>  </font></TD>

> </FONT>

> <TD width=202 height="261" align="center">

> <P><a href="http://www.mega-oferta.com.ar/">

> <img src="http://mega-oferta.com.ar/titulo.jpg" border="0" width="216"

> height="65"></a><br>

> <b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="4"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF00FF" size="6" face="Arial, Helvetica,

> sans-serif">POR


> <br>

>  </font></b></P></TD>

> <TD width=202 height="261">

> <p align="center">

> <a

> href="http://www.motoresapleno.com.ar/Noticias_2004/07/12/Cd-aca.JPG"

> target="_top">

> <img height="111"

> src="http://images.google.com.ar/images?q=tbn:J443LsQ2nHcJ:http://www.motore

> sapleno.com.ar/Noticias_2004/07/12/Cd-aca.JPG"

> width="160"></a></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></DIV>

> <DIV align=center>


> <TABLE height=64 width=635 border=0>


> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="100%" height=53>

> <P align=center><b><font color="#FF0000" size="1"><br>

> </font><font size="7" color="#FF0000">CD GUIA </font></b>

> <img src="http://www.eurofrance.cl/ypf.jpg" width="126"

> height="74"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">

> 2005 </font></b><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF0000" size="1"><br>

> </font><font size="7">Y</font></b></P>

> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman"><b>

> <font color="#0000FF" size="7">CD CARTOGRAFICO </font></b></font>

> <br>

> <font size="1">

> <img alt="www.aca.org.ar"

> src="http://www.motoresapleno.com.ar/Links/Logo_ACA.gif" border="0"

> width="82" height="99"></font><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font

> color="#0000FF" size="7">

> INTELIGENTE </font></b></font></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

> <TABLE height=64 width=947 border=0>

> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="467" height=13>

> <div align="center">

>  </div>

> </TD>

> <TD vAlign=top width="470" height=13>

> </TD></TR>

> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="467" height=13>

> <p align="center">

> <font class="content"><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF0000" size="7">CD

> </font></b>

> </font><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">GUIA </font></b>

> <img src="http://www.eurofrance.cl/ypf.jpg" width="126"

> height="74"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">

> 2005   </font></b>

> <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0000a0" size="3">

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_521

> 0.jpg" width="90" height="66"></font><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7"><br>

> </font></b>

> <font class="content"><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana"><br>

> <br>

> En esta

> Edición contiene un 30% de información más que las Ediciones

> anteriores.<br>

> </font></b><br>

> </font><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana">La Guía YPF

> 2005 

> presenta 9 mapas ruteros, 21 mapas de corredores turísticos y 38

> planos

> urbanos, certificados por el Instituto Geográfico Militar y avalados

> por

> el Automóvil Club Argentino (A.C.A.). <br>

> <br>

> Como novedad, este apartado tiene una georeferenciación de estancias

> y

> un indicador de accesos. <br>

> <br>

> A su vez, el CD interactivo presenta un nuevo diseño y

> navegabilidad,

> con una actualización on line y la posibilidad de armar la ruta de

> viaje

> a través de un creador de trayectos personalizados. <br>

> <br>

> Además, los usuarios de la Guía YPF 2005 contarán con la posibilidad

> de

> navegar y diseñar el viaje en la página web www.guiaypf.com de forma


> gratuita, con información actualizada y un visualizador 3D de

> trayectos.

> </font></b><br>

> <br>

> <br>

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_189

> 3.jpg" width="417" height="317"><br>

> <br>

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_766

> 0.jpg" width="421" height="327"></TD>

> <TD vAlign=top width="470" height=13>

> <p align="center"><br>

> <img src="http://www.tcpampeano.com.ar/imagenes/logoaca.jpg"

> width="100" height="51">

> <img

> src="http://www.aca.org.ar/servicios/cartografia/cdrom/bannercdrom.gif"

> width="457" height="54"><br>

> <b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"

> color="#0000FF"><br>

> La

> utilización de tecnología digital de avanzada, permitió elaborar este

> CD

> que brinda un material informativo utilísimo, tanto en el aspecto vial


> como en las peculiaridades geográficas, paisajísticas, aspectos

> tradicionales, históricos y culturales de la República Argentina. <br>

> <br>

> Asimismo, el viajero también puede obtener, con facilidad, itinerarios


> entre dos o más localidades, para lo cual se toma en cuenta el mejor

> camino o el más corto. Las opciones que se obtienen, son resaltadas

> sobre

> los tradicionales mapas carreteros del ACA. Antes de realizar dicho

> cálculo, el usuario puede personalizar los datos de su vehículo, entre


> ellos: su tipo y consumo, valor por litro del combustible, etc. <br>

> <br>

> <br>

> <br>

> De igual modo, cabe destacar la inclusión en este CD de 1.998

> localidades

> (595 con descripciones turísticas y el resto con la cantidad de

> habitantes

> y altura sobre el nivel del mar), a lo cual debe agregarse el Mapa de

> la

> República Argentina con 5 niveles de zoom, 55 plantas urbanas, 38

> accesos

> a localidades, y 38 esquemas turísticos. En los distintos recorridos

> que

> elija el viajero podrá ubicar 104 peajes. <br>

> <br>

> También contiene las nóminas de Dependencias y Auxilio Mecánico del

> ACA de

> todo el país, y las poblaciones donde se expende GNC; sobre el

> particular

> hay 1.170 estaciones, con sus direcciones. <br>

> <br>

> Toda esta información está integrada en un entorno constituido con la

> intención de hacer muy sencillo su uso.<br>

> </font></b>

> <img src="http://www.caffeeplaza.com.ar/imagenes/rutas.jpg" border="0"

> width="167" height="311"></TD></TR></TABLE> </CENTER></DIV> <p

> align="center"> <FONT

> color=#000000 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><br> <br>

> </FONT> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="4"

> color="#FF0000"> <strong>Requerimientos de sistema : </strong></font></p>

> <P><b><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Procesador

> mínimo Pentium 233 Mhz, recomendado Pentium II en adelante. <br> Lectora de

> CD.<br> Se recomienda 64 MB de memoria RAM o más.<br> Microsoft Windows 98®,

> Windows 2000®, Windows XP®. <br> Resolución de pantalla 800 x 600 ó 1024 x

> 768 y 16 bit de profundidad de color.</font></b></P>

> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font size="7">A

> Solo

> <font color="#ff0000">$ 45.-</font> </font>

> <font color="#ff0000" size="7">  </font></b></font></p>

> <p align="center"><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0000"

> size="6"> </font><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="6"><u>GASTOS

> DE ENVÍO INCLUIDO</u></font></b></p>

> <p align="center"><u><strong><font color="#ff0000" size="6">*Envíos a

> todo

> el País*</font></strong></u> </p>

> <p align="center"><b><font face="Arial">EL ENVÍO SE REALIZA CONTRA


> LO

> RECIBE !!!</font></b><P align=center><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica,

> sans-serif" size=2><B><A href="../guias/home.htm"><FONT color=#ffffff>A PARA


>  </P>

> <P align=center><b><font color="#ff0000">SI LO DESEA PUEDE ENVIAR UN E-MAIL

> SOLICITANDO EL PRODUCTO A: <br> <br>  <font size="4"><a

> href="mailto:CDGUIAYPF2005[at]HOTMAIL.COM,CDGUIAYPF2005[at]yahoo.com.ar,CDSMULTIME

> DIA[at]SPEEDY.COM.AR?subject=Pedido, GUIA YPF 2005 Y CD ACA $

> 45.-&Body=Complete aqui sus datos, Nombre y Apellido:, Domicilio:, Ciudad:,

> Provincia:, C.Postal:, Telef.(Fijo):,

> E-MAIL">CDGUIAYPF2005[at]HOTMAIL.COM</a></font></font><br>

> <br>

>  <font color="#FF0000">O CLICK ACA:</font><font color="#ff0000"> 

> <br> <br> <font size="7"><i><font face="Bookman Old Style" color="#66ff33">

> <a target="_blank"

> href="mailto:CDGUIAYPF2005[at]HOTMAIL.COM,CDGUIAYPF2005[at]yahoo.com.ar,CDSMULTIME

> DIA[at]SPEEDY.COM.AR?subject=Pedido, GUIA YPF 2005 Y CD ACA $

> 50.-&Body=Complete aqui sus datos, Nombre y Apellido:, Domicilio:, Ciudad:,

> Provincia:, C.Postal:, Telef.(Fijo):,

> E-MAIL">COMPRAR</a></font></i></font></font></b></P>

> <p align="left"><strong><font face="Tahoma" size="2">El envio se realiza por

> medio de Correo Argentino, tarda aproximadamente entre 24 y 48 hs.Se realiza

> bajo la modalidad "Contrarembolso" (pagas al recibirlo).<br> Para el envío

> es necesario los siguientes datos:</font><br> <font color="#800000"> <br>

> </font><font face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#008000">1 - APELLIDO Y

> NOMBRES:<br>

> 2 - DIRECCION:<br>

> 3 - PROVINCIA:<br>

> 4 - LOCALIDAD:<br>

> 5 - C. POSTAL:<br>


> 7 - E-MAIL DE CONTACTO: </font></strong></p> <div align="center">  <p

> align="center"> <u><i><font color="#0000ff"><b><font face="Tahoma"

> size="5">Recuerde si no recibe respuesta a su pedido en 48</font></b><font

> face="Tahoma"><b><font size="5"> hs por favor reitérelo.<br>

> </font></b></font></font><font face="Tahoma"><b><font color="#008000"


> SOLICITADOS</font></b></font></i></u></p>

> <p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" color="#ff0000"><b><font

> size="2">Disculpe las molestias que pueda ocasionarle este

> e-mail.</font></b></font></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Arial"

> color="#ff0000">Si este mensaje te resulta de interes, recomendalo

> reenviandolo a tus amigos.</font></b></p>


> </div>

> <P align=center><br>

>  </P>

> <P align=center><br>

>  </P><!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/Library/Copyright.lbi" -->


> </BODY></HTML>

> <p> </p>




> [ This spam was encoded 8BIT. Normal text is below. ] <META

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> <TR>

> <TD width=223 height="261">

> <p align="center"><br>

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_521

> 0.jpg" width="149" height="109"><span class="texto"><br>

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> </FONT>

> <TD width=202 height="261" align="center">

> <P><a href="http://www.mega-oferta.com.ar/">

> <img src="http://mega-oferta.com.ar/titulo.jpg" border="0" width="216"

> height="65"></a><br>

> <b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="4"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF00FF" size="6" face="Arial, Helvetica,

> sans-serif">POR


> <br>

>  </font></b></P></TD>

> <TD width=202 height="261">

> <p align="center">

> <a

> href="http://www.motoresapleno.com.ar/Noticias_2004/07/12/Cd-aca.JPG"

> target="_top">

> <img height="111"

> src="http://images.google.com.ar/images?q=tbn:J443LsQ2nHcJ:http://www.motore

> sapleno.com.ar/Noticias_2004/07/12/Cd-aca.JPG"

> width="160"></a></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></DIV>

> <DIV align=center>


> <TABLE height=64 width=635 border=0>


> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="100%" height=53>

> <P align=center><b><font color="#FF0000" size="1"><br>

> </font><font size="7" color="#FF0000">CD GUIA </font></b>

> <img src="http://www.eurofrance.cl/ypf.jpg" width="126"

> height="74"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">

> 2005 </font></b><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF0000" size="1"><br>

> </font><font size="7">Y</font></b></P>

> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman"><b>

> <font color="#0000FF" size="7">CD CARTOGRAFICO </font></b></font>

> <br>

> <font size="1">

> <img alt="www.aca.org.ar"

> src="http://www.motoresapleno.com.ar/Links/Logo_ACA.gif" border="0"

> width="82" height="99"></font><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font

> color="#0000FF" size="7">

> INTELIGENTE </font></b></font></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

> <TABLE height=64 width=947 border=0>

> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="467" height=13>

> <div align="center">

>  </div>

> </TD>

> <TD vAlign=top width="470" height=13>

> </TD></TR>

> <TR>

> <TD vAlign=top width="467" height=13>

> <p align="center">

> <font class="content"><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana"><br>

> </font><font color="#FF0000" size="7">CD

> </font></b>

> </font><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">GUIA </font></b>

> <img src="http://www.eurofrance.cl/ypf.jpg" width="126"

> height="74"><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7">

> 2005   </font></b>

> <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0000a0" size="3">

> <img

> src="http://www.mercadolibre.com.ar/org-img/original/MLA/012005/15467810_521

> 0.jpg" width="90" height="66"></font><b><font color="#FF0000" size="7"><br>

> </font></b>

> <font class="content"><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana"><br>

> <br>

> En esta

> Edición contiene un 30% de información más que las Ediciones

> anteriores.<br>

> </font></b><br>

> </font><b><font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana">La Guía YPF

> 2005 

> P


> As a xxxx Networks customer you are expected to adhere our Acceptable Use

> Policies. To read the AUP in its entirety go to

> http://xxx.com/aup.php


> Here is a summary (http://xxx.com/aup.php#email)

> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

> Users are prohibited from engaging in improper use or distribution of email.

> Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in any of the following

> activities:


> Sending Unsolicited Bulk Email ("spam") for any purpose whatsoever.


> Having third parties send out Unsolicited Bulk Email on any user's behalf

> ("spamvertizing").


> Using xxxxx facilities to receive replies from unsolicited emails ("drop-box"

> accounts).


> Configuring any email server in such a way that it will accept third party

> emails for forwarding ("open mail relay"). If a site has roaming users who

> wish to use a common mail server, the mail server must be configured to

> require some form of user identification and authorization. (E.g. SMTP AUTH)


> Mass or commercial email may be sent only to recipients who have expressly

> requested receipt of such emails, by the sending of an email request to the

> person performing the mass or commercial mailings. This exchanging of

> requests, acknowledgments, and final confirmations ("confirmed opt-in") must

> be adhered to in their entirety for any mass or commercial email to be

> considered permitted by xxxxx.


> Note: Sago discourages the sending of bulk mail, and only permits such

> mailings in rare cases, and then only after Confirmed Opt-In has been

> verified.


> In the absence of positive, verifiable proof to the contrary, which must be

> provided before the mail campaign is initiated, xxxx considers complaints by

> recipients of emails to be de-facto proof that the recipient did not

> subscribe or otherwise request the email(s) about which a complaint was

> generated.

> +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+


> This type of behavior violates xxxx Networks' Acceptable Use Policy. Please

> take prompt and appropriate action. Your cooperation with this matter is

> appreciated.


> Regards,


> Abuse Administrator

> xxxx Networks



This is the conversation I just had to engage with my ISP in order to get my server back online due SpamCop being too "smart" on Spamvertising and perhaps my ISP being too 'fast' on suspeding accounts. Please, fixing this issue would make SpamCop a better product. Thank you!!!!

Why do you think that spamcop's parser is "too smart"?

It simply looks for links within any messages reported as spam by it's users and the user decides to send the report. Spamvertized web sites do NOT count toward any blocklists and the message received is only a warning to your ISP that your URL was seen in a piece of spam.

Your ISP should have contacted you and together you could have determined what the problem was and your ISP could have marked you as an Innocent Bystander and receive no further messages.


I don't think one can call your site "spamvertized" by that spam or call that spam "on your behalf" if there is no easy way for the typical recipient to get from the spam to your site and the spam does not display any images from your site. Sago Networks should re-examine its determination that the spam violated their policies - I don't think it did.

In fact, it looks like the Argentinian spammer has stolen your copyrighted work from one of your webpages, but I don't know what you can do about that.


Thanks for the replies guys. I'm glad you see the same fact, Jeff.

Steven, the "too smart" thing was just ironic, I just wanted to point out that SpamCop could improve parsing HTML body messages and avoid these type of things from happening.

Any malicious user could begin to use this method to generate false warnings and causing trouble to honest companies.



Steven, the "too smart" thing was just ironic, I just wanted to point out that SpamCop could improve parsing HTML body messages and avoid these type of things from happening.


How would you have a piece of software select which links are real and which are not? If the reporter checking the links notices this, I would expect them to uncheck the box, but the primary responsibility for having proof and investigating before shutting down a domain or site should still be in the hands of the provider. Again, the spamcop report is ONLY a notice that the URL was seen in a spam message.

In fact, if you follow the link spamcop presented, the options are:

Please select one..

This message advertised the site without permission.

This website has been disabled.

This issue is under investigation.

I am not the right person to contact about this.

This message is not spam.

Add a note to this issue.

The ISP should have investigates and probably selected the first item in this case.

Any malicious user could begin to use this method to generate false warnings and causing trouble to honest companies.




The only trouble caused is when the ISP does not investigate to find out what really happened. The only trouble is caused when ISP's over-react to a spamvertized site report. Perhaps spamcop should modify their spamvertized site report to more directly say that it is only a notice and that no further action is taken by spamcop. This is a case of learning what evidence has been presented.

The same thing can happen with malformed email submissions on email programs that add a signature to the message. If I submit from work by pasting the spam into a new message (not the correct way to do it, btw, but it works) and forget to remove my signature, spamcop wants to send a spamvertize report to my admin address. Because of the way it was submitted, it looks to the software that it is part of the same message. By forwarding an attachment of the body, spamcop ignores the signature. This is a case of learning how to use the tool.


Your comments make sense Steven :) Thank you. I suppose I over-reacted too about SpamCop just as my ISP in this particular case.




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