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[Resolved] Topic Title / Status


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Noticed that in the Bug Reports Forum at IPB, there was some activity going on by the moderators by adding in a prefix to the Topic titles, giving a clue as to status. Not to hard to guess that [O] = Open [C] = Confirmed [F] = Fixed .. but some of the others ???? I tagged a couple of recent items here as [Resolved] ... but this will run into issues with folks that already used long descriptions, result being that stuff will be cut off from the existing description.

Goal would be to come up with a list of short 'status' codes, then messing with the page displays or adding a FAQ entry perhaps to offer up the legend as to what all the codes translate to. Looking for input on some of the stranger situations, users that won't get involved in helping themselves for example ... on the other hand, maybe simply leaving this option as simply tagging only those discussions actually answered / resolved / or not-possible with something clue and leaving all others with no prefix ..????

Since this Forum has created so much traffic, there's also the notion of identifying Topics as "For JT" or "For JH" ...????

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In general, the name-change-action would be a Moderator action ... the 'work' would be writing up a few new 'multi-moderation' settings which would then be added to the Moderator drop-down menus. In theory, not that much work (I know I've heard that somewhere before <g>) ... One 'purpose' would be helping a new user (going with the read-before-posting concept) noting a Subject Line / Topic Title matching the item of interest .. the [Resolved] would be a clue to target that conversation first.

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Search mode and "JT / JH" wouldn't flt 'here' due to the 'not less than 4 character' search limit ... a setting in the SQL portion, basically so that the indexing of words won't include "the and if I A but or .. etc.' (that old tradeoff between database size, indexing/search speed, and user impact) On the other hand, no problem searching via Google with these short terms other than the massive list of returns <g>

A minor issue would be the possible truncation of the Topic Title (and description field) .. the SQL limit for the variable holding the Title is 255 characters, one code section suggests a limit of 100 characters, the error message states 'no more than 50 characters' and it turns out that the actual PHP file that drives the displaying of a Topic has a check for >65 characters ... kind of like the SpamCop system <g> .. one magician wrote the real code, another individual did the 'make it look pretty' part, and fixes were made to both parts along the way ...

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