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FAQ Entry: Reporting Spam from Webmail

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SpamCop Quick Reporting within Webmail:

1. Login to Webmail. You can report spam from your Inbox or the Held Mail folder (or any other folder if you need to...)

2. Check the boxes to select all the spam (messages) you want to report. You can use the checkbox in the top left corner of the matrix (under "Delete") to check all messages in the folder. (shortcut Alt+N or Alt+K, depending on the current folder...)

3. Click the "Report as spam" link.

4. The messages will be reported to SpamCop and deleted. (Quick Reports, reporting only the source of the messages, not the spamvertised links.) You'll get one or more (depending on the number of messages reported) "SpamCop Quick reporting data" email messages (to your Inbox) containing details of the reporting action, including a Tracking URL and the addresses to which reports were sent.


- If you do use Quick Reporting, be sure to look at the reports (at least from time to time) just in case the parser hiccups so you can correct any errors.

- Be sure to have configured your mailhosts correctly. This should prevent you from reporting your own ISP.

If Quick Reporting is not enabled: (This is the default configuration.)

Steps 1.-3. as above.

4. You will get back an email message with the subject "SpamCop has accepted X email for processing" containing links to your reporting page. You'll have to complete each report manually. Review your reports carefully.

(See How to use: Reporting within webmail for details.)

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spam Cop


That's SpamCop.
Be sure to have configured your mailhosts correctly. This will prevent you from reporting your own ISP.


This should prevent you from reporting your own ISP.
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  • 2 weeks later...
That's SpamCop.This should prevent you from reporting your own ISP.


I trust the system



...The system (SpamCop MailHosts configuration) may work 100% correctly but if your e-mail provider does what my employer did, add internal hand-off servers or new incoming servers, the parser may still try to report to your e-mail provider's abuse address.
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