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Deleting mail in an IMAP client

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Firstly, apologies if this is covered elsewhere. I've spent an hour looking, and learned a lot about SC and IMAP, but not been able to find a specific answer to my basic question.

When I delete mail from my Inbox in Webmail, I have the option to leave them in the Inbox, but marked as deleted, or move them to Trash. This is effected by the "When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of marking them as deleted? " option. I would normally choose to move them to Trash, and periodically purge the Trash folder.

What I want is to mirror this setup in OE, my IMAP client, so that when I delete an e-mail, it is moved to the Trash folder and does not remain in my Inbox. It therefore would also be accessible via webmail, or via OE, in the Trash folder until it is purged. This doesn't seem to be possible. It seems that OE will only let you choose the "mark as deleted" option, with the message remaining in the Inbox.

I wondered if I could set up a rule in OE that automatically moves deleted IMAP e-mails from the Inbox to Trash, but this doesn't seem to be possible.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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Possibly an ignorant reply, but (that's why I'm here <g>) ... wouldn't a screen "Refresh" do what you ask? Technically, an IMAP connection is sometimes described as a "mirror" of what's on the hosting server, so if you move an e-mail on the server, it technically should also 'move' on the client side, but you do have to sync this connection ... doing it the hard way, if you login, move an e-mail, log out ... log in again, that e-mail should have also moved on your OE screen due to this 'new' view of the Folder contents ... again, no personal experience with the SpamCop e-mail server.

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This is a problem with how OE works, not how anything from SpamCop works. If you use OE to move a message to the Trash mailbox/Folder, it will leave the original in the source mailbox/Folder, marked as deleted/struckout, which you can then purge in either Client. Please also see FAQ Entry: Webmail: Deleting and Moving Messages.

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Thanks for those replies. I think my issue is, as I'm moving from POP3 to IMAP, I'm going to miss the security of my "Deleted Items" folder in OE, which I use on a fairly regular basis to retreive stuff I shouldn't have deleted!

Of course I can choose to leave my deleted mail in my IMAP inbox, but marked as deleted, and then choose not to view deleted messages in both OE and Webmail, but there would eventually be a huge amount of deleted mail on the server and that seems a waste. It would be nice to have the option of periodically purging the inbox, just as you can the Trash folder, then I could compromise and keep my deleted items for say 3 months, and purge anything older.

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