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...From Yahoo!News - Internet Stock Index (ISDEX): Microsoft, Yahoo! Fight spam--Sort Of.


NEW YORK - According to Microsoft, up to 90% of e-mail is spam. The company is one of a few key players to offer tantalizing peeks at technology intended to prevent spam from ever reaching users. Unfortunately, as one test case shows, competing technologies and ever-smarter scammers prevent the solutions from really fixing the problem.

Yahoo! (nasdaq: YHOO -  news  -  people ) and Cisco Systems (nasdaq: CSCO -  news  -  people ) are collaborating on an authentication technology to weed spam from legitimate e-mail. It goes by the clunky name DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and it merges technology from both companies into one specification based on public key cryptography, a type of digital signature. The companies submitted their blended solution to an Internet standards group, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which is studying e-mail verification


EarthLink (nasdaq: ELNK -  news  -  people ), which processes up to 300 million e-mails a day, has been testing both SPF and DomainKeys since November. In testing SPF, “We found a significant percentage of false positives,” says Cox, meaning that legitimate e-mails were flagged as spam.


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In the meantime one Earthlink account I know of gets some 15-25 spam emails in its inbox (vs. 0-5 ham emails) every day. I'm working on making its user understand the concept of protecting an email address from reaching the hands of spammers.

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  • 4 years later...
in that matter google is the best as the google mail accounts receive less spam

Very accurately also.

Started mine off 4 years ago as a throw away not expecting much

Still effective now (I just use Webmail with it)

SpamCop email's main strength is it easily reports spam to the source stopping any more

Not had any spam get through to my inbox from SpamCop either

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in that matter google is the best as the google mail accounts receive less spam

Gmail might be good at dumping spam into the spam folder, but I receive as much spam in it as my ISP account.

My *least* amount of spam is found in my Gawab.com account.


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