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how can I send spam to myself?

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Just got a spam with headers that look like this:

Delivered-To: spamcop-net-lindrix[at]spamcop.net

From: "lindrix[at]spamcop.net" <lindrix[at]spamcop.net>

Return-Path: <lindrix[at]spamcop.net>

To: lindrix[at]spamcop.net


* (qmail 2323 invoked from network); 21 Aug 2005 15:08:04 -0000

* from unknown ( by blade3.cesmail.net with QMQP; 21 Aug 2005 15:08:04 -0000

* from unknown (HELO MARGHPRO) ( by mailgate2.cesmail.net with SMTP; 21 Aug 2005 15:08:04 -0000

* from 112 by jo346-lym9.imyn4.mailpanda.com with DAV; Sun, 21 Aug 2005 14:07:39 -0200

X-SpamCop-Whitelisted: lindrix[at]spamcop.net

Now I did whitelist myself but this is obviously not from me. I'm worried about reporting this and getting myself kicked off spamcop. Will the autoreporting stuff in the web based emailer do ok with this? Why did the filters pass this to the INBOX?



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Exactly how long have you been using e-mail, using SpamCop? Did you do any research at all on "forged" addresses?

Forging of the To: / Reply: addresses is simply done. That your e-mail address has been used means that you've "joined the club" ... Plenty of previous 'evidence' here from folks that have 'been there' .. enough that there's a FAQ entry or two ..Why am I getting all these bounces comes to mind ... the problem is that most of these folks seem to like coming up with their own terms for the scenario, some even opting in to misuse the term joe-job ... the only thing you've described here is a forged To: address that's using your data.

When is the last time you saw an e-mail address as a targeted item for a complaint/report in one of your previous spam submittals? I believe it's been a number of years now since this 'feature' was dropped.

Why did the filters pass this ...?? you already stated that you whitelisted yourself / this address.

Worst case, submit it via the web-form with full technical details turned on and look at the results ... as always, the decision of which reports actually get sent is up to you.

Further noting, now that you've signed up / registered here and posted with your e-mail address showing as "the poster" (not much sense in editing your post) ... you've opened up yet another avenue for your address to show up on lists that you didn't opt-in to.

OK, further reseach shows that you posted before, complaint was "reporting yourself" .. guess I see the reason for the paranoia. However, it appears that checking the reports before sending hasn't been the standard mode ...????

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Actually, I have the same problem. I got a spam from someone that slipped through the filter. However, I didn't notice until after I hit the report this as spam button that the sender was my own SpamCop e-mail address, which I have had for several years. Obviously, I'm not sending spam to myself. I'm concerned now that I will show up on SpamCop's list as a spammer, especially if this spammer uses my e-mail address elsewhere. I use this address for a multitude of things and I'd like to keep it.

Is there someone who can respond to me about this in non-technogeek language (and without insulting my stupidity, which I fully admit to?) Thanks.


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What you need to do is log into your www.spamcop.net web page. Go to Preferences | Report Handling Options ... put a check into the box for Show technical data ... click on the Save Preferences button

Submit your spam via the paste-your-spam-in-the-box web-form. Take a look at the resulting parse output. You will see that your e-mail address is not part of the selection process for the list of possible targets for complaints.

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I'm concerned now that I will show up on SpamCop's list as a spammer, especially if this spammer uses my e-mail address elsewhere. I use this address for a multitude of things and I'd like to keep it.


Email addresses do not get anything listed as they are easily forged. As long as you did not send that email, your IP address will not show up in any reports.

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There is a difference between email addresses and IP addresses. If you look at the technical details, you will see numbers xx.xxx.xx.xx - those are IP addresses and they belong to a particular server that sends and receives email. Many email addresses may be handled by one server.

email addresses are found in the From: and return path, but those may be forged so they are not used to identify the sender of the spam.

Only the administrator of the server can tell which computer on their network sent a particular email through the server. That's why the reports are sent to the server admins. They don't look at the From: or return path either. I am not quite sure how they do it, but I do know there are logs of what the server does.

Some spam is now not going through the email servers, but through other ports (and again that gets too technical for me). Those emails are sent by computers that have been infected by a trojan.


Miss Betsy

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