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[Resolved] Ebay email getting 'held'- frustrating!


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I'm having a helluva time with the notification that Ebay payments were made to me, delivered into my inbox. As you can see below, the sending IP [at] Ebay/Paypal isn't BL'd, but spam Assasain is snagging it on various things. I haven't seen a way in SC Mail to white/allow certain subjects and "whitelisting the sender" only does the buyer's email, NOT the Ebay/Paypal IP/address.

Content-Type:  multipart/alternative; boundary=--NextPart_048F8BC8A2197DE2036A 
Date:  Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:37:23 -0700 [05:37:23 PM PDT] 
Delivered-To:  X
From:  X
MIME-Version:  1.0 
Message-Id:  <1126571843.19816[at]paypal.com> 
Received:  (qmail 16710 invoked from network); 13 Sep 2005 00:37:31 -0000 
from unknown ( by blade6.cesmail.net with QMQP; 13 Sep 2005 00:37:31 -0000 
from rwcrmxc20.comcast.net ( by mailgate2.cesmail.net with SMTP; 13 Sep 2005 00:37:25 -0000 
from outbound2.den.paypal.com ([]) by rwcrmxc20.comcast.net (rwcrmxc20) with ESMTP id <20050913003724r2000i4bm8e>; Tue, 13 Sep 2005 00:37:24 +0000 
from denweb43.den.paypal.com (denweb43.den.paypal.com []) by outbound2.den.paypal.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 0F91135C069 for <X>; Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:37:24 -0700 (PDT) 
(qmail 19816 invoked by uid 99); 13 Sep 2005 00:37:23 -0000

Return-Path:  <payment[at]paypal.com> 
Subject:  Item #4765516743 - Notification of an Instant Payment Received from X
To:  X
X-Email-Type-Id:  PP753 
X-MaxCode-Template:  email-auction-payment-notification 
X-Originating-IP:  [] 
X-spam-Checker-Version:  SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on blade6 
X-spam-Level:  ***** 
X-SpamCop-Disposition:  Blocked SpamAssassin=5  
X-XPT-XSL-Name:  /en_US/auction/AuctionPaymentNotification.xsl 
Headers:  Show Limited Headers  
   Alternative parts for this section:   
  unnamed  [text/html]  11.53 KB    

 This message was written in a character set (windows-1252) other than your own.
 If it is not displayed correctly, click here to open it in a new window.

Dear Brandon Plank,

This email confirms that you have received an eBay Instant Payment of X USD from X

What do some of you suggest? In my deluge of spam, I sometimes que these for reporting, because I don't see them in with all the other subject lines (I cancel the reports though).


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I'm having a helluva time with the notification that Ebay payments were made to me, delivered into my inbox.  As you can see below, the sending IP [at] Ebay/Paypal isn't BL'd, but spam Assasain is snagging it on various things.  I haven't seen a way in SC Mail to white/allow certain subjects and "whitelisting the sender" only does the buyer's email, NOT the Ebay/Paypal IP/address.

What do some of you suggest?  In my deluge of spam, I sometimes que these for reporting, because I don't see them in with all the other subject lines (I cancel the reports though).



raise Spamassasin setting to 6 or turn it off

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I suggest that you whitelist "payment[at]paypal.com" without quotes.


Would that work? I thought the whitelist only listed the sender, not the reply-to.

Petzl- I keep S.A [at] 2, because there was too much slipping through.

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I suggest that you whitelist "payment[at]paypal.com" without quotes.


Would that work? I thought the whitelist only listed the sender, not the reply-to.


It should. IIRC, the SpamCop Email System Whitelist should work on Return-Path, From, and Reply-to Header Lines.
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If the white list does not work, you could set up a filter that would work, but it would require running it each time you log in to WebMail. The filters do not get applied when the mail is recieved. There are other threads on the filter topic you may want to look at.

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