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Action buttons in report spam window


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The following quote displays some of the information and links that will be found on the SpamCop Reporting Window. The information will vary depending on varrious factors. This display assumes the following: You have submitted spam for reporting that is still in the queue to be reported. You have logged in with an SpamCop Email account user name and password. Your default input screen is the "Select all-in-one submission form" Items in orange will not be displayed if you logged in using a Report only user name and password

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<a href="#Report spam">Report spam</a> <a href="#Mailhosts">Mailhosts</a> <a href="#Statistics">Statistics</a> <a href="#Past Reports">Past Reports</a> <a href="#Preferences">Preferences</a> <a href="#Webmail">Webmail</a> <a href="#Held Email">Held Email</a>

Welcome, "your account name displayed".

Your average reporting time is: 11 hours; Pretty good!

Unreported spam Saved: <a href="#Report Now">

Report Now </a>

You have submitted spam which has not yet been reported. Please avoid re-reporting spam. If you have already reported this spam or do not want to report it, please make sure to click "cancel" instead of submitting the report! <a href="#Remove">Remove all unreported spam</a>

Forward your spam to: submit.16charANcodeNMBR [at]spam.spamcop.net or:

Paste entire spam (headers, blank line, body) - or - single address (one line only):

<textarea class="widetext" name="spam" rows=3 cols=80


<input type="submit" value="Process spam"><input type="reset"  value="Clear Form"><input type="checkbox" value=1 checked>Show technical details


Select outlook/eudora workaround form

Select all-in-one submission form

Note: only one of the two lines will be displayed at a time (clicking on one with display the other while toggling back and forth between the two submission form types.

<a name="Report Now"></a>Clicking on Report Now will send the next tracking URL in your reporting queue to the parser for processing. Alternately, clicking on the tracking URL in the confirmation email message or pasting the tracking URL into a browser will also send a single message to the parser and open up the reporting window for that one message only. Using the Report Now button is an easy way to be sure that you have completed the reporting process for each of the messages that you have submitted to SpamCop via forwarding or using the <A href="http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4473&st=0&p=29916VER">VER</A> interface for full reporting.

<a name="Remove"></a>

Clicking on Remove all unreported spam does not actually delete the submitted spam; it simply purges the reporting queue. The submitted spam remains in the "archive" referenced by its tracking URL.

The confirmation email simply contains a link to the tracking URL that allows you to submit the spam referenced by the tracking URL to the parser for processing. There is some sort of flag that gets set when either the Send spam Report(s) Now or Cancel buttons get clicked that prevents the duplicate sending of reports as well as the appending of the "report sent to" information to the file.

<input type="submit" value="Send spam Report(s) Now"><input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview Reports"><input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel">
The Cancel report button does not actually cancel the reports in the normal sense, but rather sends the reports to "cancelled[at]devnull.spamcop.net" which effectively does the same thing. See glossary entry: <A href="http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4473&st=0&p=29916devnulling">/dev/null'ing</A>

If you cancel the reports and attempt to run the tracking URL through the parser again you will notice the following:

    Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:
    Reportid: xxxxxxxxxx To: cancelled[at]devnull.spamcop.net
    If reported today, reports would be sent to:

If you submit the reports and then attempt to run the tracking URL through the parser again you will notice the following:

    Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:
    Re: (Administrator of network where email originates)
    Reportid: 151xxxx256 To: geoff.james[at]smu.ca
    Re: http://0pc2rj42dst.mycheapestgenericmedz.com/c0ff6a47b9 (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)
    Reportid: 151xxxx260 To: abuse[at]hanaro.com
    Re: (Third party interested in email source)
    Reportid: 151xxxx259 To: spamcop[at]imaphost.com
    If reported today, reports would be sent to:
    Note: the report ID and info that follows is unique to each tracking URL

If you click on the tracking URL and simply close the window (view the results of the parse but do not click on either Send spam Report(s) Now or Cancel; then you can click on the tracking URL again at a latter time and submit the reports or cancel them at that time (as long as the reporting time window has not closed).

If you clicked on the Cancel report button in error, or decide at a latter time that you do actually want to report the message as spam; then you can do so by resubmitting the the message, which will give it a new tracking URL. Remember that all spam must be reported within the current allowed time window. See: Why does SpamCop say my spam is too old?

Menu Bar Links:

<a name="Report spam"></a>Report spam Returns you to the main reporting window

<a name="Mailhosts"></a>Mailhosts Opens the Mailhosts configueration window

<a name="Statistics"></a>Statistics Opens the current SpamStats page

<a name="Past Reports"></a>Past Reports (now also available to Free Reporting Accounts)

<a name="Preferences"></a>Preferences Link to User Preferences (for reporting) It is broken into two sections:

    Report Handling Options
    Change Email address or name

<a name="Webmail"></a>Webmail (SpamCop Email Accounts only) Link to Webmail log in window

<a name="Held Email"></a>Held Email (SpamCop Email Accounts only) Displays your held mail using the <A href="http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4473&st=0&p=29916VER">VER</A> interface.

Your average reporting time provides interesting information and is provided solely for the bennifet of the registered reporter. It has been previously documented that the number reported here may not be accurate and if that is the case, simply ignore it. It has absolutely no bearing on the status of your account with SpamCop. Some individuals have reported that the displayed average was inexcess of 3 days which is mathmaticly impossible as it has never been possible to report a message older that 3 days. The key point is to encourage the prompt reporting of spam, as the sooner it is reported the greater the effect on the list.

The following two links act like a toggle switch and are used to switch back and forth between the two different cut and paste input screens. The displayed link will alway be the opposite of the current input format.

Select outlook/eudora workaround form This two window form was created to provide a workaround for those using outlook or eudora which do not provide headers and body in a format that can be pasted into the single input window easily.

Select all-in-one submission form provides for a single copy and paste process for submitting spam. It requires that the headers be properly formated. No blank lines are permitted within the header section. Also there must be a single blank line (carriage return) between the end of the headers and the start of the body.

Additional information displayed for Free Report Only Accounts (No fuel)

Add fuel to your account

Please help support this service - buy some reporting fuel today. Fuel is used as you report spam to bypass the nag screen.


Thanks to Jeff G. for clarifying the functioning of the "Show technical details" check box.

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  • 3 months later...

I forgot about this one.

I think it is finally ready for comment.

Question: how can you insert a space at the beginning of a line (ie indent) without adding additional vertical line spacing caused by using the list function?

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Question:  how can you insert a space at the beginning of a line  (ie indent) without adding additional vertical line spacing caused by using the list function?


Generally, one space at the beginning of a line is all you get if you are using BBCode. The following is a demonstration of additional vertical line spacing issues caused by the list function. Both look the same in "Preview Post".

This demo is intuitive use of the list function, no deletion.

  • a
  • b
  • c

This concludes this demo.

This demo is intuitive use of the list function, with deletion of ALL whitespace before and after both list tags.

  • a
  • b
  • c

This concludes this demo.

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Generally, one space at the beginning of a line is all you get if you are using BBCode.  The following is a demonstration of additional vertical line spacing issues caused by the list function.  Both look the same in "Preview Post".

This demo is intuitive use of the list function, no deletion.

  • a
  • b
  • c

This concludes this demo.

This demo is intuitive use of the list function, with deletion of ALL whitespace before and after both list tags.

  • a
  • b
  • c

This concludes this demo.


Both versions were converted by the application to look the same (no whitespace before list and after /list, yes whitespace after list and before /list). I have edited them in this post to reflect my intent. My conclusions are:
  • One line of whitespace separating the list from text before and after it is required.
  • Intuitive use of the list function accomplishes that.
  • Editing and quoting of lists introduces extra whitespace that must be extinguished by the editor or quoter to preserve the original intent.

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[*]Editing and quoting of lists introduces extra whitespace that must be extinguished by the editor or quoter to preserve the original intent.


And that is a very inconsistant behavior. Sometimes it will add it, other times it will not.

This is a common problem when editing the glossary.

Most of the time it does NOT increase the line spacing, but other times it does, and when it does, it keeps doing it each time you edit. The result is you can end up with 10 or more blank lines before you even notice it (especially true of the glossary when you are editing only one small section and the line breaks are added in another section many pages away from the edits being made.

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editing only one small section


You could just keep local copies of both halves (with backups), edit the relevant local copy, and just paste in the entire local copy when you're done editing. Of course, that would make preview a bit more of a PITA, but that's a small sacrifice.
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