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Override Request


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SC is not resolving http://mgahfc.maybond.info for some reason.


Can an override be put in to make SC resolve this to the IP? It's resolving just fine for me....


...Wouldn't matter: it seems to belong to spam haven KORNET.

...Also please see Wazoo's reply in SpamCop Reporting Help Forum article "Cannot resolve http://..../?spammed user tracker".

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Can an override be put in to make SC resolve this to the IP? It's resolving just fine for me....


That would then break when they moved hosts. As stated elsewhere on this forum, browsers are willing to wait a very long time for the lookup. A system doing millions of lookups can not afford to wait an indefinite period of time. Placing the link into a blank lookup window and repeating will often get it recognized then the report will work.

However, there are DNS issues at play, perhaps made specifically to slow spamcops reports:


Another resource would be the pinned iten at the top of this same forum: http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4345

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SC is not resolving http://mgahfc.maybond.info for some reason.  Tracking URL (for all the good it'll do): http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z810729605z81...cd3669b1dcd5f2z


Can an override be put in to make SC resolve this to the IP? It's resolving just fine for me....


Actually doubtful. Override requests are still being handled via the news://news.spamcop.net/spamcop.routing newsgroup. But that's primarily oriented towards the IP addresses involved with the source of the spam spew.

What you have here is a DNS issue and the pointing to the 'current' location of a web page. Spammer runs this DNS server/data set, with the actual web-page being anywhere in the world at any given moment. There are numerous discussions within this Forum structure, over in the SpamCop newsgroups, Spamhaus, on and on .. there are even few FAQ enties 'here' on the SpamCop reporting of these type of web-sites (and/or the lack thereof).

Edit: 2005/09/30 12:21 EDT -0400 Jeff G. edited some spelling.

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