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[Resolved] Mailhosts Question

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My website has an admin address which I have arranged to be forwarded to my regular mail address. My regular mail address is included in my Mailhosts configuration but not the website admin address.

Is it necessary for me to include it or not?

Oops..this should have gone into the Mailhosts section...can someone move it please?

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My website has an admin address which I have arranged to be forwarded to my regular mail address.  My regular mail address is included in my Mailhosts configuration  but not the website admin address.

Is it necessary for me to include it or not?

Oops..this should have gone into the Mailhosts section...can someone move it please?


If both addresses are from the same domain, for instance admin[at]domaina and you[at]domaina, you will not have any problems because they are handled by the same server. If, however, they are different domains or sub-domains, for instance admin[at]domaina and you[at]domainb or you[at]sub.doamina, you should register the admin address (and it will generate a new entry).

Basically, if the messages follow the exact same path, you shouldhave no problems.

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Thanks. They are totally different domains, but I have set my domain manager to forward all mails to my own account.

I'll enter the website address just in case...can't do any harm.

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...can't do any harm.


I swear, I heard that before .. think I may have said it aloud myself once or twice ... and ooops!

It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations. -- JRR Tolkien

Topic/Discussion moved to the MailHost Forum section ....

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