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Problems with Internet Exporer 7.0 beta 2 preview


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Checking the site using IE7, I have noticed a few things :

1. Cookies don't seem to work, I have to log in every time

2. The 'Unreported spam Saved : Report Now' link does not work, a timeout occurs before the next page is displayed

Has anybody experienced this ? Any workarounds or will we just have to wait until IE7 comes out of beta (if it ever does :P )

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This was posted into a Forum section labeled;

SpamCop Reporting

How to Instructions Only - Problems and issues belong in the other specific Forum sections

And as I see no How to Instructions included, this will be moved to a more appropriate Forum section.

As far as answering, there is just a bit of a clue involved with the title ... beta 2 preview .... problems with something like this are supposed to be brought up in the support area for folks working on the Beta version ... That's what a Beta is all about .. find the bugs .... the additional word Preview suggests that it may not actually be really expected to fly at all ..... how someone on this side of the screen could guess at what your cookie handling settings are, what modes you may have selected for allowing things like java scri_pt, etc., etc., etc. would seem like an imposible task.

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