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Spam Problem


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Here is the deal... We have had a guy posting illegal websites on our forum trying to sell online game money for real money (Illegally) and also attempting to hack...

He uses proxies to change his I.P adress and make new accounts when we I.P ban him so really we are a bit stuck. All we have been able to recover is what we believe to be his real I.P... I don't know wheter you can do anything to help but...

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Nothing to do with SpamCop.net Reporting procedures or results, so moving this to the Lounge. I'm not sure of the "illegal" description used, but .... that's your call.

Banning by IP address is a lost cause .. there are so many compromised systems out there ... secondly, one also runs the risk of banning 'good' users die to the way some systems work, AOL for example, where a user's IP address may change at every page connection ...

No mention of what Forum software is in use, what the sign-up requirements are, so hard to suggest other options. This Forum has a great staff of Moderators that are actively involved in handling these kinds of issues when they appear.

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If you are any good at programming you could always add a check to your forum software, you could add a bit of code to check some of the available BLs on the net that list open proxies for the users IP address, and require manually activation of their account if it is on one of the BLs.

If you provide us some more information (type and version of forum software you are using, current sign-up requirements, etc) we might be able to help a bit more.

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