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Upgrading Java in linux


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I tried installing Java from the Java RPM I downloaded. It didn't work. I can't seem to get Java to be recognized for some reason. I've followed the instructions of making a symbolic link to the "plugins" directory, both globally and per-user (I'm the only user) and it's just not working...

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get Fedora Core 3 and Firefox to see the new JVM? FWIW, I tried Mozilla and it doesn't see the plugin either.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Trust your Independence Day up until that point was (at least) a little more enjoyable. Assume no progress? There seems to be some more FAQs at Mozdev (tho' since they are undated it is hard to tell) which might or might not shed some light on it all.

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Just a couple of returned items .... Google search term was < fedora +JVM > 243,000 items returned

How to run Java applications in Fedora Core 3

Java Technology Forums - Cannot load JVM 1.4 on Fedora

Thanks for the tip. I still can't get Java to work in Firefox. I show that the plugin is installed in the main Firefox directory, but for some stupid reason it's not detecting when I go to the Java test page.. *sigh* I so need to upgrade to Fedora Core 5. I even have the CDs burned, but even though I'm unemployed right now, I just can't seem to find the time. :)

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