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Image spam from an unresolvable website


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I've seen the past discussion on "image" spam, but my network is getting bombed by the same "image" spam for sex drugs over the past several months. The same image continues to appear with the same drugs advertised, but of course it comes from many sources. Even so it probably is the same spammer? which according to the spammer website is located in Utah?? Every time I report the website address I get the "non-resolvable" message even though I hit refresh multiple times. The strange thing is that by using dnsstuff I am able to resolve the address everytime. I know that this may be an old problem, but why can't spam cop resolve these addresses as in the following example: htt p://pgfjgj.untores.co m/legalrx/?99847591 whilst dnsstuff can??? and how can we get this spammer off the air? The advertised website is hosted many places, but it appears also to be the same in every case....with a little sleuthing this creep could be tracked down...and shot? just hoping!

[Moderator edit (Farelf) - live URL "pulled". <irony>We take all the fun out of the spammer's lives when we do their work for them</irony>]

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Every time I report the website address I get the "non-resolvable" message even though I hit refresh multiple times. The strange thing is that by using dnsstuff I am able to resolve the address everytime.


...And how long does dnsstuff try? SpamCop can't try for very long or the real-time parser would be too unresponsive.
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... and how can we get this spammer off the air? The advertised website is hosted many places, but it appears also to be the same in every case....with a little sleuthing this creep could be tracked down...and shot? ...
Manual reporting to the hosts is the only real, personal option. As you've noted, the hosts keep changing - maybe because of such efforts. So far as getting to the person(s) behind it all, that is possibly the job of the (US) regulatory authorities, assuming a US source. SpamHaus (search) does as much as anyone in the private sphere to put all the evidence together.
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...And how long does dnsstuff try? SpamCop can't try for very long or the real-time parser would be too unresponsive.
dnsstuff.com was able to resolve the sample url in less than 3 seconds on a consistent basis.
...Far too long for a real-time parser that must make many thousands of decisions in less than a second.
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Venting a bit here ... I'm a bit put off by the comment "I've seen the past discusion ..." ... yet, this additional commentary was not posted into that discussion.

Then the subject matter drifts to another issue, which again has been addressed multitudes of times in previous discussions, enough so that FAQ entries have been developed and links inserted ....

My initial reaction when I saw the first post was basically ... "I simply don't have a spare hour or two to regurgitate all the data that exists within all those previous Topics/Discussions/FAQs ..."

I can't repeat the "3 seconds everytime" ... I just checked, started the stopwatch .. I didn't get a 'page' for 44.3 seconds .... and even that page includes all kinds of red failures and yellow warnings about the DNS server(s) issues for that Domain.

Most disturbing that so many of those "other" Topics & Discussions seem to include the simple option of someone upset at the situation simply generating their own complaint and firing it off to the appropriate targets .. yet the major question asked was "what can we do?" .... not sure what I'm missing, what "new" data is being looked for ....

Glad to see that so many folks did jump in and respond, but .....???? all of this has been addressed so many times in existing Topics/Discussions in the Reporting Help Forum section already .....

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