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SenderBase Reputation score


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Can someone please explained what this error means?

It comes up when we try to send emails to some companies.

554 Connections from this sending hostname mail.charterhall.com.au, IP address o

f: are being rejected due to low SenderBase Reputation score (bel

ow -2). Your SenderBase organization: 24155. See http://www.senderbase.org/ for

more information.


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Item 1: this has nothing to do with the SpamCopDNSBL, so this will be moved to the Lounge.

I find it disturbing that I sent you a PM, asking for some data from you, that actually dealt wih SenderBase data ... Interesting to note, you blew that data request off, yet .... open a new Topic in a non-associated SpamCop.net Forum section and want someone to do some more research and work on your behalf .... apparently dealing with exactly the same data stuff I was asking for your help in identifying ????

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We don't have much to do with the reputation scores - apparently part of the SCBL listing formula but used in their own right, as you have found. You can probe your reputation score to see what the fuss is about (though it is apparently less than -2) - I believe it is the IronPort system used (that is the link from SenderBase, which finally leads to - Reputation Filters). I posted (somewhere) "here" on more than one occasion about emailing for a reputation check (just use the search facility for the forums here if you are concerned). It is in everyone's interest for you to improve your score (which uses total volume and ham:spam ratio IIUC). Being a "new" IP that should be relatively "easy" but you are evidently off to a shaky start.

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Item 1: this has nothing to do with the SpamCopDNSBL, so this will be moved to the Lounge.

I find it disturbing that I sent you a PM, asking for some data from you, that actually dealt wih SenderBase data ... Interesting to note, you blew that data request off, yet .... open a new Topic in a non-associated SpamCop.net Forum section and want someone to do some more research and work on your behalf .... apparently dealing with exactly the same data stuff I was asking for your help in identifying ????

Hi I have just sent you a PM and the email you requested.


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For more information about the Sender Base Reputation Score see the Wiki entry: SenderBaseReputationScore which includes a link a detailed pdf document.
Excellent work dbiel, explains how a low-ish negative score may be given to "An IP on one or more reliable blacklists or belonging to a suspicious new sender with some complaints and spamtrap hits." which is, no doubt, the situation the OP's IP has stumbled into.
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